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Monday, 14 February 2022

Updates on the present situation in Indonesia with Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)

 This fact sheet provides information and updates on the present situation in Indonesia with Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). EKONID will operate this article as a running live updating service due to the evolving situation.


This fact sheet, prepared by EKONID, contains information and updates about the COVID-19 situation in Indonesia, as well as the government’s response to the pandemic, split into three sections:

General Information

Government Response

Latest Updates

However, this fact sheet is not an official account of the Indonesian government. We encourage our readers to check the official websites of their respective governments for the latest official information.

This factsheet contains the latest updates from May 2021 and onwards. For the list of government responses and updates up to the end of April 2021, click here

Stay safe and stay healthy.

General Information


What is Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Find out more here

How does COVID-19 spread?

Find out more here


How many cases have been identified in Indonesia?

As of February 7, 2022, the number of confirmed COVID-19 positive cases has risen by 26,121 from the previous day to 4,542,601 cases. In that same period, the number of deaths rose by 82 to 144,636 while the number of recovered patients rose by 8,577 to 4,191,604. 

For an official tally from the Indonesian government-mandated COVID-19 Task Force, click here*

Where are these cases found in Indonesia?

Confirmed cases have been reported all throughout the archipelago. For an interactive map of areas with local transmissions, check here*

The government has also launched a risk-zone map. Find it here

Can foreigners travel to Indonesia?

What is the Lockdown Status in Indonesia?

Indonesia is currently implementing a more restrictive form of lockdown wherein non-essential and non-critical commercial activities are not allowed. Domestic travel is restricted while inter-regional travel is permissible only with a vaccination certificate or a valid negative COVID-19 test result. 

Have COVID-19 vaccinations started in Indonesia? 

The government began its COVID-19 Vaccination Program on January 13, 2021. It is split into four phases with healthcare workers receiving the first batch of vaccines, followed by public servants and then other members of the public.The government aims to inoculate a total of 208,265,720 people by the end of the year 2021. 

Foreigners and non-Indonesian citizens will be able to enter Indonesia as of September 15, 2021, if they have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. The Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation No. 34/2021 (or Permenkumham No. 34/2021) on the Granting of Visa and Immigration Permit During the COVID-19 Pandemic Handling Period and Towards National Economic Recovery stipulates this. It should be noted that visa-on-arrivals are still not being granted until such time that the Indonesian government has deemed the COVID-19 pandemic to be over.

As of February 7, 2022, as many as 186,703,390 Indonesians have received their first vaccinations or 113,640 more than the day before. Meanwhile, 131,119,425 people have received their second vaccinations or 38,694 more than the previous day. Find the data here: https://www.kemkes.go.id/

Official tally by the Indonesian COVID-19 Task Force here: https://www.covid19.go.id/* 

Meanwhile, for Indonesia’s capital city of Jakarta, as of February 7, 2022, as many as 12,147,669 people have received their first vaccination, while 10,013,120 people have received their second vaccination.

Find the data here: https://corona.jakarta.go.id/en  

Government Response

The Indonesian government has taken numerous measures to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. This section contains a consolidated list of the measures that has or will come into effect in the very near future.

Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian has issued Minister of Home Affairs Instruction (Inmendagri) No. 8/2022 on the prevention and handling of COVID-19 during the Mandalika MotoGP in Pertamina Mandalika International Street Circuit, West Nusa Tenggara 2022. The instruction stipulates a maximum of 100,000 on-site viewers, and a maximum capacity of 10 percent for the festival grounds. All on-site viewers, racers, attendants, crew and officials must also be already fully vaccinated and present a negative PCR test result that is valid for 2x24 hour or a negative Antigen test result that is valid for 1x24 hour. Article here*

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology has issued Circular No. 2/2022 on Discretion Towards the Implementation of the four-minister joint decree on schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic. The circular stipulates that those areas where PPKM level 2 are implemented may limit face-to-face schooling to 50% of the class capacity. The decision was taken in consideration of the rise of infections of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 amongst the populace. A copy of the Circular here*

The Ministry of Finance has issued Minister of Finance Regulation No. 3/PMK.03/2022 on Tax Incentive for Taxpayers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Regulation stipulates the extension of the prevailing tax incentive on income tax, import tax on certain importers, as well as final income tax for construction services. The import tax incentive is effective until June 30, 2022, while the income tax and the construction services final income tax incentives is effective until the June 2022 tax period. A copy of the regulation here*

The Indonesian COVID-19 Task Force has issued Circular No. 4/2022 on health protocols for international travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Circular effectively confirms the government’s decision to reduce quarantine period for international travelers to 7x24 hours for those who have only received their first vaccine job, and then 5x24 hours for those who have been completely vaccinated. The Task Force also issued COVID-19 Task Force Decree No. 4/2022 on Entry Point, Quarantine Zones and mandatory RT-PCR for Indonesians travelling into the country from abroad. The decree effectively revokes COVID-19 Task Force Decree No. 3/2022 specifically on the subject of quarantine period, of which this latest decree mandates all travelers travelling from abroad to comply with the quarantine periods stated earlier. The decree further opens Juanda Airport in Surabaya, East Java, as an entry point for international travelers.

A copy of the Circular here*

A copy of the Decree here*

The Ministry of Home Affairs has issued Minister of Home Affairs Instruction (Inmendagri) No. 6/2022 on the implementation of PPKM Level 3 to Level 1 on the islands of Java and Bali, as well Minister of Home Affairs Instruction (Inmendagri) No. 7/2022 on the implementation of PPKM Level 3 to Level 1 in Sumatra, Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua. Inmendagri No. 6/2022 stipulates the extension of the prevailing lockdown policy in Indonesia, known as PPKM, for one week or until January 7, 2022 in the islands of Java and Bali, while Inmendagri No. 7/2022 extends the PPKM policy in the islands outsides of Java and Bali for two weeks or until February 14. To note, only one regency, namely Pamekasan in East Java, will see the implementation of PPKM level 3, while major cities such as Jakarta and Yogyakarta, as well as the island of Bali will continue to implement PPKM level 2.

The Ministry of Health has issued Circular SR.02.06/II/408/2022 on Adjustments to the Implementation of COVID-19 Booster Vaccines. The Circular allows the simultaneous vaccination of COVID-19 booster vaccines in all regencies and cities for the general public. The Circular revokes the stipulation that a regency or city must first meet a minimum vaccinated population target of 70% before being allowed to deliver booster shots. The Circular takes effect starting January 27, 2022. A copy of the Circular here*

The COVID-19 Task Force has issued Circular No. 3/2022 on health protocol for international travel under the travel bubble mechanism in the areas of Batam and Bintan with Singapore during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Circular lays out the requirements for travelers from Singapore to enter Indonesia via Batam or Bintan without being subject to a quarantine. This include a proof of complete COVID-19 vaccination, as well as a negative RT-PCR Test Result that is valid at most 3x24 hour before the time of departure, among other requirements. A copy of the Circular here*

The Ministry of Health has issued Circular No. HK.02.01/MENKES/18/2022 on the prevention and mitigation of COVID-19 cases Variant Omicron (B.1.1.529). The Circular provides guidelines on how regional governments, health facilities, and other stakeholders can handle and prevent any further outbreak of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, such as the requirements for independent isolation and how to report cases. A copy of the Circular here*

The Ministry of Health has issued Circular No. HK.02.02/II/252/2022 on COVID-19 Booster Vaccination. The decree outlines the implementation of the government’s COVID-19 booster vaccination program, such the prioritization of senior citizens and patients with compromised immune systems in the program. The decree further outlines the technical specification for the administering of vaccines that include the required dosages for recipients of booster vaccines of a different make from that of his or her first vaccine. A copy of the Circular here*

The Indonesian COVID-19 Task Force has issued Decree No. 3/2022 on Entry Point, Quarantine Zones and mandatory RT-PCR for Indonesians travelling into the country from abroad. The decree effectively revokes COVID-19 Task Force Decree No. 2/2022 specifically on the subject of quarantine period, of which this latest decree mandates all travelers travelling from abroad to comply with a 7x24 hour quarantine period. A copy of the decree here*

The Indonesian COVID-19 Task Force has issued Circular No. 2/2022 on health protocols for overseas travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Circular establishes the health protocols mandated by the Indonesian COVID-19 Task Force Decree No. 2/2022, wherein Indonesians returning to Indonesia from abroad or foreigners entering Indonesia must be completely vaccinated, present an RT-PCR test that is valid for at maximum 3x24 hour at the time of departure, and must further comply with a mandatory 7x24 hour quarantine period at a designated quarantine zone. The Circular further outlines the dispensations, such as self-quarantine, afforded to chief representatives of foreign nations who are on active duty in Indonesia. The Circular effectively revokes Circular No. 1/2022 and takes effect starting January 12, 2022. A copy of the Circular here*

The Indonesian Ministry of Finance has issued Minister of Finance Decree No. 226/PMK.03/2021 on the provision of tax incentives for goods in demand in the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and the extension of income tax facilities for workers in the health sector based on Government Regulation No. 29/2020 on income tax facilities in the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. The decree effectively extends the various tax facilities afforded to providers of drugs, medical facilities, as well as various other goods used in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. The Decree also extends the various income tax cuts afforded to workers working in the health sector, as well as import tax cuts afforded to companies importing the goods needed to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. This decree takes effect starting January 1, 2022. A copy of the decree here*

The Indonesian COVID-19 Task Force has issued Decree No. 2/2022 on Entry Point, Quarantine Zones and mandatory RT-PCR for Indonesians travelling into the country from abroad. The decree effectively revokes COVID-19 Task Force Decree No. 1/2022 specifically on the subject of quarantine period, wherein this latest decree mandates all travelers travelling from abroad to comply with a 10x24 hour quarantine period for those travelling from areas where the latest COVID-19 variant known as Omicron has been detected, or a 7x24 hour period for travelers travelling from countries where Omicron remains undetected.

PKM Level 3 to Level 1 on the islands of Java and Bali, as well Minister of Home Affairs Instruction (Inmendagri) No. 4/2022 on the implementation of PPKM Level 3 to Level 1 in Sumatra, Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua. Inmendagri No. 3/2022 stipulates the extension of the prevailing lockdown policy in Indonesia, known as PPKM, for another two weeks or until January 24, 2022 in the islands of Java and Bali, while Inmendagri No. 4/2022 extends the PPKM policy in the islands outsides of Java and Bali to January 31. To note, only one regency, namely Pamekasan in East Java, will see the implementation, while major cities such as Jakarta and Yogyakarta, as well as the island of Bali will continue to implement PPKM level 2.  

The Indonesian COVID-19 Task Force has issued Circular No. 1/2022 on health protocols for overseas travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Circular mandates a temporary ban on the entry of foreigners from 14 countries where the latest COVID-19 variant known as Omicron have been detected. These 14 countries include, South Africa, Botswana, Angola, Nigeria, France, England and Denmark, among others. A copy of the circular here*

The Ministry of Home Affairs has issued Minister of Home Affairs Instruction (Inmendagri) No. 1/2021 on the implementation of PPKM Level 3 to Level 1 on the islands of Java and Bali, as well Minister of Home Affairs Instruction (Inmendagri) No. 2/2022 on the implementation of PPKM Level 3 to Level 1 in Sumatra, Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua. Both instructions stipulate the extension of the prevailing lockdown policy in Indonesia, known as PPKM, for another two weeks or until January 17, 2022. To note, Inmendagri No. 1/2022 stipulates the implementation of PPKM level 2 in the capital city of Jakarta, as well as the major city of Yogyakarta and the whole island of Bali. The city of Surabaya however is still under PPKM level 1. increased lockdown level is due to the possible spread of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, which has thus far infected more than 100 people in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the number of areas where PPKM level 3 is implemented outside of Java and Bali continue to decline.

A copy of Inmendagri No. 1/2022 here*

A copy of Inmendagro No. 2/2022 here*

The Ministry of Health has issued Circular No. HK.02.02/Menkes/1391/2021 on the prevention and mitigation of COVID-19 Omicron Variant (B.1.1.529). The Circular outlines the steps the government will take to prevent the spread of Omicron such as by isolating all probable or confirmed cases in COVID-19 prevention equipped hospital, as well as mandating a minimum of 10-day quarantine for such cases. A copy of the Circular here*

Indonesian President Joko Widodo has signed Presidential Decree No. 24/2021 on the status of COVID-19 in Indonesia. The Decree stipulates that the status of the COVID-19 global pandemic as declared by the World Health Organization remains factual and is also occurring in Indonesia. The decree effectively mandates the ongoing government efforts to support economic stability as well as to prevent further outbreak to continue through 2022. A copy of the decree here*

In order to prevent any potential outbreak of the latest variation of the COVID-19 virus known as Omicron, the Indonesian COVID-19 Task Force has issued COVID-19 Task Force Decree No. 1/2022 on Entry Point, Quarantine Zones and mandatory RT-PCR for Indonesians travelling into the country from abroad. The Decree specifies the entry points from which Indonesians travelling from abroad may enter Indonesia, which include Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Banten for those travelling by air and Batam in Riau Islands for those travelling by sea. Furthermore, all travelers travelling from abroad must comply with a 14x24 hour quarantine period as well as mandatory RT-PCR tests prior to entering the country. This decree is effective until December 31, 2022. A copy of the decree here*

The Minister of Home Affairs has issued Minister of Home Affairs Instruction (Inmendagri) No. 66/2021 on the prevention and mitigation of COVID-19 during Christmas and the New Year 2022 period. The instruction effectively revokes an earlier issued instruction mandating the implementation of PPKM level 3 in all areas during the Christmas and New Year period from December 24 to January 2. The latest instruction instead limits all Christmas and New Year 2022 celebration to 50 people, and further allows long distance travel for those who have been fully vaccinated and can show a negative antigen rapid test result. A copy of the Inmendagri here*

The Ministry of Health has issued Minister of Health Decree No. HK.01.07/MENKES/6688/2021 on COVID-19 vaccination for children age 6 to 11 years old. The decree targets the vaccination of 26.5 million children within that age range, further stipulating the kickoff date of the vaccination drive on December 14, 2021. The COVID-19 vaccination campaign for children will be started in cities/regencies where vaccination covered at least 70% of the population or 60% of the population of senior citizens. A copy of the decree here*

The COVID-19 Task Force has issued an Amendment to COVID-19 Task Force Circular No. 24/2021 on the guidelines for public activity and mobility during the Christmas and New Year 2020 holiday period during the COVID-19 pandemic. The amendment clarifies a number of provisions regarding travelling during the Christmas and New Year 2022 period, such as the requirement for negative antigen results for non-routine long distance that is valid for 1x24 hours, among other stipulations. A copy of the amendment here*

The COVID-19 Task Force has issued an amendment to COVID-19 Task Force Circular No. 23/2021 on health protocols for international travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Circular effectively extends the quarantine period for international travelers entering Indonesia to 10 days from 7 days previously. A copy of the amendment here*

The Ministry of Religious Affairs has issued Circular No. 31/2021 on the prevention of handling of COVID-19 during the 2021 Christmas period. The Circular outlines the provisions for Christmas celebrations held during the 2021 Christmas period, such as crowd limitations on indoor activities as well as basic personal protection requirements and protocols to prevent COVID-19 infections. A copy of the circular here*

The Minister of Home Affairs has issued Minister of Home Affairs Instruction (Inmendagri) No. 63/2021 on the implementation of PPKM level 3 to 1 in the islands of Java and Bali. The instruction extends the lockdown policy to December 13, 2021, and that several areas has seen its PPKM level increased due to their increased positivity rate for COVID-19 infections. These areas include the capital city of Jakarta, the major cities of Bandung and the island of Bali, which will have PPKM Level 2 protocols implemented in their respective areas. A copy of the Instruction here*

The COVID-19 Task Force has issued Circular No. 24/2021 on guidelines for public activity and mobility during the Christmas and New Year 2020 holiday period during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Circular clarifies the mobility restriction protocols stipulated by a previously issued Minister of Home Affairs Instruction. The Circular stipulates that long-distance journey will require the traveler to show a negative RT-PCR test result that is valid for 3X24 hour or a negative Antigen Rapid Test result that is valid for 1x24 hour. This Circular is effective from December 24, 2021, to January 2, 2022. A copy of the Circular here*

In response to the proliferation of the new Omicron variant of COVID-19, the Directorate General of Immigrations at the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights has issued Circular No. IMI-0269.GR.01.01/2021 on the temporary ban on foreign citizens who have visited certain countries from entering Indonesia to prevent the spread of the B.1.1.529 COVID-19 variant. Foreigners who have visited these following countries within the last 14 days may be barred from entering Indonesia: 

South Africa 








A copy of the Circular here*

Additionally, the COVID-19 Task Force has also issued Circular No. 23/2021 on health protocols for International Travel during the COVID-19 pandemic period. The Circular added the following country to the ban list: 

Hong Kong 

Furthermore, the Circular effectively reapplies the 7-day quarantine period for foreign citizens entering Indonesia, while Indonesians who are returning to the country from any of the countries listed above must submit to a 14-day mandatory quarantine period. A copy of the Task Force’s Circular here*

Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Tjahjo Kumolo has issued Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Circular No. 26/2021 on Restriction on Travelling and/or Leave for Civil Servants During the Christmas and New Year 2020 Holiday Season. The Circular bans all civil servants from traveling to other regions from December 24 to January 2, 2022, and further bars civil servants from taking any leave days off work during that period in order to prevent a potential COVID-19 outbreak. Find a copy of the Circular here*

The Ministry of Home Affairs has issued Minister of Home Affairs Instruction (Inmendagri) No. 60/2021 on the implementation of PPKM Level 3 to Level 1 on the islands of Java and Bali. The instruction extends the country’s lockdown policy to November 29, 2021. It should be noted that, unlike previous instructions, this inmendagri does not contain any provisions on domestic traveling and that any future restrictions on traveling would be regulated by the COVID-19 Task Force. A copy of the inmendagri here*

To further support national economic recovery, the Ministry of Finance has issued Minister of Finance Regulation No. 149/PMK.03/2021 on the second amendment to Minister of Finance Regulation No. 9/PMK.03/2021 on tax incentives for taxpayers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The amendment effectively increases the types of business classifications eligible for specific tax incentives. These include making 397 business classifications eligible for income tax exemption (PPh) 22 on import from 132 classifications previously, as well as making 481 business classifications eligible for the 50% installments of article 25 income tax from 216 previously. This regulation took effect on October 26, 2021. and is effective until revoked. A copy of the regulation here

The COVID-19 Task Force has issued an Amendment to COVID-19 Task Force Circular No. 20/2021 on health protocols for international travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Circular stipulates the reduction of quarantine period for Indonesians and foreign diplomats and “chief foreign representatives” who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and who are flying into Indonesia to 3x24 hours from 8x24 hours previously. This amendment is effective starting November 2, 2021. A copy of the amendment here*

The COVID-19 Task Force has issued Circular No. 22/2021 on the provisions on domestic travelling during the COVID-10 pandemic. The Circular simply reaffirms the stipulation that travelers who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 who are travelling by air are only required to a negative COVID-19 Antigen test result that is valid for 1x24 hour at the time of departure. The Circular effectively revokes Circular No. 21/2021 and its amendments and is effective starting November 2, 2021. Find a copy of the circular here*

The Ministry of Home Affairs has issued Minister of Home Affairs Instruction (Inmendagri) No. 57/2021 on the amendment to Minister of Home Affairs Instruction No. 53/2021 on the implementation of PPKM Level 3 to Level 1 in Java and Bali. The instruction extends the country’s lockdown policy to November 15, 2021. However, the instruction stipulates a number of significant relaxations, such as the downgrading of the lockdown level in the country’s capital city of Jakarta to level 1 from level 3 previously. This means that non-essential businesses can now allow 75% of its workforce to work from the office as long as they have been vaccinated, while further allowing shopping centers and certain service-oriented businesses, such as public transport, to operate at 100% capacity. Meanwhile, restaurants and public facilities, such as public parks, are also allowed to operate with 75% capacity. The Instruction further reaffirms the government’s decision to allow those who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 who are travelling into and from Java or Bali to only require a negative COVID-19 Antigen test result that is valid for 1x24 hour at the time of departure. Find the detailed list of areas and their PPKM designation, as well as the updates regulations, here*

The COVID-19 Task Force has issued the second the amendment to COVID-19 Task Force Circular No. 21/2021 on domestic travelling during COVID-19 pandemic. The Amendment essentially that, in the case of limited availability of COVID-19 PCR tests, travelers are allowed those travelling by air from and to areas outside of Java and Bali to use a negative antigen test result instead. A copy of the Amendment here*

The Ministry of Home Affairs has issued Minister of Home Affairs Instruction (Inmendagri) No. 55/2021 on the amendment to Minister of Home Affairs Instruction No. 53/2021 on the implementation of PPKM Level 3 to Level 1 on Java and Bali, as well as Inmendagri No. 56/2021 on the amendment to Minister of Home Affairs instruction No. 54/2021 on the implementation of PPKM level 3 to Level 1 in areas outside of Java Bali. Both instruction practically amends the requirement for long-distance travelling using certain modes of transportation. The Inmendagri stipulates that those travelling long distance via airplane must have negative PCR-Test Result for COVID-19 that is valid for at least 3 days before the date of travel, while those traveling via personal motorized vehicles, buses, ships or railway must at least have a negative Antigen test result that is valid for at least 1 day before the date of travel.  

A copy of the Inmendagri No. 55/2021 here*

A copy of Inmendagri No. 56/2021 here*

The Ministry of Health has issued Circular No. HK.02.02/I/3843/2021 on the tariff ceiling for RT-PCR test. The Circular sets the maximum tariff for RT-PCR tests done on the islands of Java and Bali at RP 275,000 (roughly US$19.35), while the maximum tariff for RT-PCR tests done in areas outside of the islands of Java and Bali at Rp 300,000. This decision was taken in addition to announcement that the government plans to make RT-PCR tests mandatory for all types of inter-region travel across Indonesia. A copy of the Circular here*

The Head of the Indonesian COVID-19 Task Force has issued Head of the COVID-19 Task Force No. 15/2021 on foreign citizens from 19 countries allowed to enter Indonesia. The Decree reaffirms the allowance of foreign visitors from the 19 countries stated in the decree as well as in the circular issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to enter Indonesia and that these foreign nationals can only enter through Bali or the Riau islands, or via cruise ship, after a mandatory 5x24 hour quarantine period. A copy of the decree here*

The Ministry of Transportation has issued Circular No. 86 to 89 on the guidelines for domestic traveling during the COVID-19 pandemic, with each Circular referring to land, sea, railway and air modes of transportation. The circulars mainly affirm the provision that a negative Antigen test result, that is valid for at least 1 day prior to entering or leaving the islands of Java or Bali, is still required for those travelling by land, sea or railway. Meanwhile, those travelling by air must have a Negative RT-PCR Test result that is valid for at least 2 days prior to entering or leaving the islands of Java and Bali. Negative antigen test results are no longer accepted. Copies of the Circulars are available here*

The Indonesian Government has issued a list of 72 quarantine hotels for international travelers entering Indonesia who must comply with the country’s current mandatory 5-day quarantine period. Find a copy of the list here*

The COVID-19 Task Force has issued Circular No. 21/2021 on the provisions to domestic travelling during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Circular reaffirms a change in the requirement for air travel from and to the islands of Java and Bali as well as other areas where PPKM level 3 and/or 4 is being implemented. Travelers must now have a negative RT-PCR test result that is already valid at least two days before the day of the flight and the previous requirement of a negative COVID-19 antigen test result valid for at least 1 day before the flight being no longer applicable, among other stipulations. This circular took effect from October 21, 2021. A copy of the Circular here*

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued Circular No. SE/00081/PKJ/10/2021/64 on International Travel Entry to Indonesia. The circular clarifies the stipulations contained within Circular No. 20/2021 issued by the COVID-19 Task Force, including the change of hotel quarantine from 8x24 hours to 5x24 hours, as well as guaranteed visitation permit to Bali for tourists from Bahrain, China, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Norway, France, UAE, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand, Spain and Sweden, among other clarifications. A copy of the circular here*

The COVID-19 Task Force has issued Circular No. 20/2021 on health protocols for international travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Circular outlines the various requirements needed for foreigners to enter Indonesia, such as having been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 at least 14 days prior to their flight, as well as obliging vaccinations for certain foreigners who have not been vaccinated in a designated quarantine zone after arriving in Indonesia, among other stipulations. A copy of the Circular here*

Head of the National Disaster Agency as the acting head of the COVID-19 Task Force has issued Head of COVID-19 Task Force Decree No. 14/2021 on entry point, quarantine zone and RT-PCR obligations for Indonesians arriving from international flights. The Decree stipulates a 5-day quarantine period for Indonesians travelling from countries with low COVID-19 positivity rate, while those travelling from countries with high COVID-19 positivity rate must still quarantine for 14 days. The Decree is effective until December 31, 2021. A copy of the decree here*

The COVID-19 Task Force has issued an amendment to Circular No. 18/2021 on health protocols for international travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Amendment obliges all international travelers entering Indonesia as well as all operators of transportation modes working at the country’s entry points to install the government’s PeduliLindungi mobile app in order to keep the spread of the virus in check. A copy of the amendment here*

Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly has issued Minister of Law and Human Rights Decree No. M.HH-03 GR.01.05/2021 on the amendment to Minister of Law and Human Rights Decree No. M.HH-02 GR.01.05/2021 on the granting of visa for certain foreign activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Decree lays out the types of foreign activities that are now eligible for the granting of the corresponding visa category to foreigners in addition to the type of activities already allowed by the previous decree. These additional activities include tourism, filmmaking and schooling. A copy of the decree here*

Minister of Religious Affairs Yaqut Cholil Qoumas has issued Minister of Religious Affairs Circular No. 29/2021 on guidelines for celebrating religious holidays during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Circular stipulates that the celebration of religious holidays can be done physically under strict health protocols for areas under PPKM Level 1 and 2. In areas under PPKM Level 3 and 4, the government recommends that religious holidays be celebrated virtually, but will allow the physical celebration of these religious holidays as long as they’re done in open areas or at or below 50% capacity when held in closed areas. Article here*

The Ministry of Home Affairs has issued Minister of Home Affairs Instruction (Inmendagri) No. 43 and 44 year 2021 on the implementation in PPKM Level 2 to 4 in the islands of Java and Bali as well as cities and regencies outside of Java and Bali. The Instructions lists the areas where PPKM level 2 and 3 are being implemented, further reaffirming that no areas in the islands of Java and Bali are currently implementing PPKM Level 4. Inmendagri No. 43/2021 in particular reaffirms some changes to PPKM level 3 implementation, wherein non-essential businesses can now have 25% of their workforce working at the office, among other changes.  

A copy of Inmendagri No. 43/2021 here*

A copy of Inmendagri No. 44/2021 here*

The Indonesian government has announced that it will extend its PPKM policy for the islands of Java and Bali as well as for areas outside the islands of Java and Bali for another two weeks or until October 4, 2021. It is worth noting that the effective current reproduction rate of COVID-19 infection has dropped to below 1 (specifically 0.98) and that no regencies or cities in Java or Bali are implementing PPKM level 4. Furthermore, a number of adjustments will be made, such as allowing non-essential business to allow Work-From-Office at 25% capacity for vaccinated employees as well as allowing children younger than 12 years old to re-enter shopping areas in the cities of Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta and Surabaya, among other changes. Article here*

The COVID-19 Task Force has issued the second Amendment to COVID-19 Task Force Circular No. 18/2021 on health protocols for international travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Amendment further clarifies that foreign visitors can enter Indonesia as stipulated under Minister of Law and Human Rights No. 34/2021 on the Granting of Visa and Immigration Permits during the COVID-19 handling period and towards national economic recovery. A copy of the Amendment here*

The COVID-19 Task Force has issued Chief of COVID-19 Task Force Decree No. 13 year 2021 on the Entry Point, Quarantine Area and Mandatory RT-PCR for Indonesian citizens travelling from abroad. The Decree reaffirms the previously announced policy wherein only six entry points for air, sea and land travel are available for international travelers, as well as the latest requirements for quarantine and testing measures. This Decree is effective until December 31, 2021. A copy of the Decree here*

The Ministry of Finance has issued the second amendment to Minister of Finance Regulation No. 31/PMK.010/2021 on luxury sales tax to borne by the 2021 State Budget for Certain Motorized Vehicles. The amendment effectively extends the government’s policy of waiving the luxury sales tax for the purchases of cars to the end of 2021 in the effort to hasten national economic recovery. A copy of the amendment here*

Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H. Laoly has signed and issued Minister of Law and Human Rights (Permenkumham) No. 34/2021 on the granting of visa and immigration permits during the COVID-19 pandemic handling period and towards national economic recovery. The regulation, which becomes effective starting September 15, 2021, effectively revokes Permenkumham No. 27/2021, which had effectively banned foreign visitors from entering Indonesia. A copy of the regulation here*

The country’s Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan or OJK) has extended two of its loan restructuring facility regulations to March 31, 2023, from March 31, 2022, previously. In the effort to support national economic recovery, the OJK has issued POJK No. 17/POJK.03/2021 on the second amendment to POJK No. 11/POJK.03/2020 on National Economy Stimulus as a Countercyclical Policy in Response to Impact of COVID-19. Meanwhile, POJK No. 18/POJK.03/2021 amends POJK No. 34/POJK.03/2020 on the Policies for Public Lending Banks and Sharia Public Financing Banks to counter the impact of COVID-19. Article here*

The Ministry of Transportation has issued Minister of Transportation Circular No. 74 to 76 year 2021 on international travel using land, sea and air transport during the COVID-19 pandemic. The circular further reaffirms the decision announced last week to restrict the ports allowed to receive international travelers, namely Soekarno Hatta Airport in Tangerang, Banten, and Sam Ratulangi Airport in Manado, North Sulawesi for air travelers. Meanwhile, the only seaport allowed to receive international travelers are Batam Seaport in Riau Islands and Nunukan Seaport in North Kalimantan. Finally, only one land crossing is open for international travelers, namely Entikong dan Aruk crossing in North Kalimantan. Article here*

Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has issued a Gubernatorial Decree No. 1096/2021 on the implementation of restrictions on public activities during COVID-19 PPKM level 3. The decree lists the various activities that are allowed ever since Jakarta sees its PPKM level reduced from the highest level of 4 to 3. These include allowing schools and movie theaters in the capital city to reopen at half capacity and under strict health protocols while using the government’s PeduliLindungi mobile app to trace COVID-19 infections, among other relaxations. A copy of the decree here*

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has launched a new feature allowing Indonesian citizens and foreigners who were vaccinated abroad to use the government’s PeduliLindungi app to access public facilities and conduct their activities in Indonesia. Indonesians and foreigners vaccinated abroad are encouraged to visit this link (https://vaksinln.dto.kemkes.go.id/) to register their vaccination to be verified and approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for use via the app. Article here*

The Ministry of Home Affairs has issued Minister of Home Affairs Instruction (Inmendagri) No. 39 to 41 year 2021 on the implementation of PPKM across Indonesia. Inmendagri No. 39/2021 stipulates the implementation of PPKM Level 4 to 2 on the islands of Java and Bali. The instructions identify the 11 regencies or cities as those that shall implement PPKM level 4 regulations, the majority of which are in the island of Bali. The remaining areas, which include the special region of Yogyakarta, shall implement PPKM level 3 to 2, of which the number of regencies implementing PPKM level 2 has increased to 43 from 27. Furthermore, some restrictions such as restaurant dine-in capacity and face-to-face schooling has been relaxed for PPKM level 3. However, non-essential businesses are still obliged to implement a 100% work-from-home policy. This Inmendagri is effective until September 13, 2021. A copy of the Inmendagri here*

Meanwhile, Inmendagri No. 40/2021 stipulates the implementation of PPKM level 4 in certain provinces on the main islands outside of Java. Inmendagri No. 41/2021 stipulates the implementation of PPKM Level 3 to 1 in areas where the COVID-19 outbreak has not been as severe. Both Inmendagri No. 40 and 41 year 2021 are valid until September 13, 2021. 

A copy of Inmendagri No. 40/2021 here*

A copy of Inmendagri No. 41/2021 here*

The Indonesian government announced that it will again extend its PPKM policy in the islands of Java and Bali to September 13, 2021, though with only 11 regencies or cities at the highest level of 4 from 25 regencies or cities previously. Furthermore, a number of restrictions will be relaxed, such as increased capacities and extended dine-in time for restaurants. The government further plans to re-open 20 tourism destinations in areas categorized as level 3 with the use of its COVID-19 mitigation mobile app PeduliLindungi. Article here*

The Ministry of Health has issued Ministry of Health Circular No. HK.02.02/I/3065/2021 on the tariff ceiling for COVID-19 Rapid Test Antigen. The circular sets the highest tariff for Antigen rapid test at Rp 99,000 (roughly US$6.94) for the islands of Java and Bali and Rp 109,000 for areas outside of the islands of Java and Bali. The decision was taken to support the country’s contact tracing effort to curb the spread of COVID-19 and only applies to individual testing outside of the government’s program. A copy of the circular here*

The COVID-19 Task Force has issued Circular No. 19/2021 on the creation and optimization of health protocol task forces in public facilities in handling the COVID-19 pandemic. The Circular provides a guideline for the creation of health protocol task forces that will supervise the main health protocols of wearing masks, maintaining social distance and hand-washing in public facilities, including its obligations, chain-of-command structure, and potential resources, among other stipulations. A copy of the circular here*

The government will extend the less-restrictive form of lockdown, also known as PPKM Level 3, implemented early last week in some parts of Java Island and the island of Bali until September 6, 2021, President Joko Widodo announced on Monday, August 30. The decision comes following continuous improvement in COVID-19 indicators throughout the country, though some areas such as the agglomerated area in and around Yogyakarta as well as the tourism-dependent island of Bali would still see the higher level of lockdown, also known as PPKM Level 4, due to unsatisfactory indicators. Article here*

The Ministry of Home Affairs has issued Minister of Home Affairs Instruction (Inmendagri) No. 35 to 37 year 2021 on the implementation of PPKM across Indonesia. Inmendagri No. 35/2021 stipulates the implementation of PPKM Level 4 to 2 on the islands of Java and Bali. It is important to note that this Inmendagri officially downgraded the PPKM level of Jakarta and its greater area by one. This means that certain businesses such as restaurants and shopping centers, as well as public gathering areas such as mosques, are finally allowed to operate in a limited capacity – though non-essential businesses are still obliged to implement a 100% work-from-home policy. This Inmendagri is effective until August 30, 2021. A copy of the Inmendagri here*

Meanwhile, Inmendagri No. 36/2021 stipulates the implementation of PPKM level 4 in certain provinces on the main islands outside of Java. Inmendagri No. 37/2021 stipulates the implementation of PPKM Level 3 to 1 in areas where the COVID-19 outbreak has not been as severe. Both Inmendagri No. 36 and 37 year 2021 are valid until September 6, 2021. 

A copy of Inmendagri No. 36/2021 here*

A copy of Inmendagri No. 37/2021 here*

The Ministry of Home Affairs has issued Minister of Home Affairs Instruction No. 34/2021 on the implementation of PPKM Level 4 to 2 on the islands of Java and Bali. The regulation extends the Indonesian government’s semi-lockdown policy that obliges all non-essential businesses to implement a 100% work-from-home policy, among other provisions. However, a number of relaxations were introduced to PPKM level 4, including allowing shopping centers and mosques to operate in 50% capacity, while restaurants are allowed to serve dine-in customers at 25% capacity, among other provisions. Visitors must however prove that they have been vaccinated by using the government-issued tracing mobile application called “PeduliLindungi”. A copy of the instruction here*

The Ministry of Health has issued Minister of Health Circular No. HK.02.02/I/2845/2021 on maximum tariff for RT-PCR tests. As previously reported, the Ministry of Health has set the maximum price of RT-PCR tests for areas on the islands of Java and Bali to Rp 495,000 (around US$34.40) and for areas outside the islands of Java and Bali to Rp 525,000. The decision was taken to speed up COVID-19 tracing and testing efforts and to accelerate national economic recovery. A copy of the circular here*

The Ministry of Finance has issued Minister of Finance Regulation No. 104/PMK.02/2021 on the types and tariffs of Non-Tax State Revenue on Validity Test of Antigen Rapid Diagnostic Test Applicable at the Ministry of Health. The regulation officially sets the Non-Tax State Revenue on validity test for antigen tests to 0 rupiah, effectively setting the tariff of conducting validity test – conducted by laboratories appointed by the Ministry of Health – to a flat Rp 694,000 (roughly US$48) per test. A copy of the regulation here*

The Indonesian COVID-19 Task Force has issued Head of COVID-19 Task Force (Kasatgas) Circular No. 17 and 18 year 2021 on the provisions of domestic travelling and international travelling respectively. Kasatgas Circular No. 17/2021 stipulates that travelers leaving or entering areas under lvl 3 and lvl 4 PPKM using public transport must have a vaccination certificate or a negative RT-PCR Test Result that is valid for 2x24 hours at the time of departure, among other provisions. A copy of Circular No. 17/2021 here*

Meanwhile, Kasatgas Circular No. 18/2021 stipulates that all international travelers, both Indonesian and foreigners, eligible to enter Indonesia under the previously issued Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation No. 27/2021 (or Permenkumham No. 27/2021) must have a certificate proving that they have received the complete vaccination dosages. Those who have not been vaccinated and are eligible to enter Indonesia are compelled to be vaccinated. The vaccination certificate rule is exempted for diplomatic visa holders, travelers on transit that will not be leaving the airport area, travelers under 18 years of age and travelers with certain medical conditions. A copy of the Kasatga Circular No. 18/2021 here*

Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian has issued Minister of Home Affairs Instruction (Inmendagri) No. 30 to 32 year 2021 on the extension of the Indonesian semi-lockdown policy known as PPKM to August 16, 2021. Inmendagri No. 30/2021 stipulates the implementation of PPKM level 4, 3 and 2 on Java and Bali, while Inmendagri No. 31/2021 stipulates the implementation of PPKM level 4 on Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara and Papua. Inmendagri No. 32/2021 stipulates the implementation of PPKM level 3, 2 and 1 in other regions of the country.   

A copy of Inmendagri No. 30/2021 here*

A copy of Inmendagri No. 31/2021 here*

A copy of Inmendagri No. 32/2021 here*

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin has issued Circular No. HK.02.02/III/15242/2021 on COVID-19 vaccination for vulnerable citizens and citizens without ID number. The Circular allows the vaccination of members of society who do not yet have Indonesian ID numbers, such as people living in traditional societies and migrant workers. The circular stipulates that the vaccination should be done along with the registration of the individual’s citizenship in coordination with the Population and Civil Registration Agency. A copy of the circular here*

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani has issued Minister of Finance Regulation No. 102/PMK.020/2021 on added value tax for the rental of space or buildings to retailers to be borne by the 2021 state budget. The regulation waives the added tax on the rent for retail space from August to October 2021. A copy of the regulation here*

President Joko Widodo has extended the level 4 Restriction on Public Activities (PPKM) to August 9, 2021. Mr. Widodo said the decision was made after observing that the current PPKM policy has been improving the COVID-19 condition in Indonesia, but that the infection rates were still fluctuating too highly to reduce the restriction. Article here*

The Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Health has issued a joint Circular on the acceleration of incentives for health workers handling COVID-19 in the regions. The circular aims to speed up the process of providing financial incentives to health workers by having regional government refocus their budget, as well as to simplify the process with which the incentive is distributed, as well as a reprimand to regional governments that have not allocate budget to incentivize health workers. A copy of the circular here*

The COVID-19 Task Force has issued Circular No. 16/2021 on the provisions on domestic travelling during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Circular provides a guideline for domestic travel via land, air, sea and railway to be in line with the new Level 4 PPKM nomenclature, which include the requirements of a vaccine certificate as well as RT-PCR Test that’s valid for at least 2x24 hour for certain methods of travel. The Circular takes effect on July 26, 2021. A copy of the circular here* 

Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian has issued three instructions detailing the extension and provisions of the government’s latest PPKM policy. Minister of Home Affairs instruction No. 24/2021 details the implementation of PPKM Level 3 and Level 4 in Java and Bali. Minister of Home Affairs Instruction No. 25/2021 outlines the implementation of PPKM Level 4 policy in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and Papua. Finally, Minister of Home Affairs No. 26/2021 sets forth the implementation of PPKM level 3 to 1 and the optimization of COVID-19 handling command post on the mikro level. Copies of the regulations can be found here*

President Joko Widodo announced the one-week extension of the government’s Restriction on Public Activities (PPKM) Level 4 to August 2 from July 26, 2021. However, a slight relaxation of the policy would be introduced during this period, namely the allowance of traditional markets selling everyday needs under strict heatlh protocol and for traditional food carts and outdoor food vendors to serve dine-ins for 20 minutes at maximum, among other stipulations. Article here*

Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly has issued Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation No. 27/2021 on the restriction of the entry of foreigners into Indonesia during the implementation of emergency restriction on public activities. The regulation effectively bars workers with a business visa, which had still been issued for foreign workers working in strategic projects in Indonesia, from entering Indonesia in the effort to control the spread of COVID-19. This regulation takes effect on July 21, 2021, and henceforth annuls Minister of Law and Human Rights No. 26/2020 on Visa and Stay Permits during the New Normal Adaptation Period. A copy of the regulation here*

Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian has issued Minister of Home Affairs Instruction No. 22/2021 on the implementation of COVID-19 Level 4 Restriction on Public Activities in Java and Bali, and Minister of Home Affairs Instruction No. 23/2021 on the extension of the restriction on public activities in the Micro-Scale or PPKM-Mikro. Instruction No. 22/2021 stipulates that all regional leaders in Java and Bali, including in areas designated as Level 3 in terms of the severity of their COVID-19 outbreaks, shall implement a level 4 public restriction policy, which include barring all non-essential and critical workers from working from the office, as well as ceasing the operations of shopping centers and enforcing online schooling to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Meanwhile, Instruction No. 23/2021 extends the existing PPKM-Mikro policy in areas outside of Java and Bali, with the exception of a number of areas that must implement Level 4 restriction due to the severity of the outbreak in those areas, to July 25, 2021.  

A copy of Minister of Home Affairs Instruction No. 22/2021 here* 

A copy of Minister of Home Affairs Instruction no. 23/2021 here* 

Indonesian President Joko Widodo has officially extended the country’s emergency PPKM policy to July 25, 2021. The decision was taken to ensure that the COVID-19 outbreak remains contained. The current infection and death rates remain far above that seen when cases first began declining in early 2021. In the extended Emergency PPKM period, several small businesses such as traditional food carts, barbershops and laundromat are allowed to operate until 9pm as opposed to 8pm in the previous Emergency PPKM regulation. Furthermore, dine-in in these small diners are allowed for 30 minute, among other stipulations. Article here* 

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani revealed that the country will increase its health spending to Rp 214.95 trillion (over US$14.7 billion) and social protection spending to Rp 187.84 trillion in light of the implementation of the Emergency PPKM policy. The spending will go to various programs such as the extension of electrical utility subsidy for households with capacities of between 450 and 900 VA and Cash Social Aid, among others. Article here*

The COVID-19 Task Force has issued Circular No. 15/2021 on the restriction on public activities during the Islamic National Holiday of Idul Adha. The Circular outlines the restrictions imposed on public mobility, such as the ban on travel except for workers in essential and critical sectors or those carrying negative RT-PCR tests valid for 2x24 hours, among other stipulations. This restriction is further intensified with the issuance of Minister of Transportation Circular No. 51 through 54 of 2021, which outlines similar restriction on travel using land, air, sea and railway transportation modes.  

A Copy of the COVID-19 Task Force Circular here* 

A Copy of Ministry of Transportation Circular here* 

Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian has issued Circular No. 440/3929/SJ on intensifying the implementation of the Emergency Restriction on Public Activities and the Acceleration of Public Vaccination. The Circular outlines the tasks regional authorities must take to ensure that the Emergency PPKM policy is followed properly and that the vaccination process is done as fast as possible. A copy of the Circular here* 

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani has issued Minister of Finance Regulation No. 83/PMK.03/2921 and Minister of Finance Regulation No. 82/PMK.03/2021 on the amendments to Minister of Finance Regulation No. 9/PMK.03/2021 on tax incentive for taxpayers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The amendment effectively extends the tax incentive stipulated in the amended regulations, which waives income tax for taxpayers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as producers and workers working in the health sector, to the end of December 2021 from June 2021 previously.  

A copy of the Finance Minister Regulation No. 83/2021 here* 

A copy of the Finance Minister Regulation No. 82/2021 here*

Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin has issued Minister of Health Regulation No. 19/2021 on the second amendment to Minister of Health Regulation No. 10/2021 on the implementation of vaccination in handling the COVID-19 pandemic. The amendment mainly allows individuals to purchase their own vaccines through government sanctioned distributors and outlines foreign nationals in Indonesia who are eligible for vaccination, among other stipulations. A copy of the regulation here* 

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi has issued Minister of Transportation Circular No. 49/2021 and No. 50/2021 on the guidelines for domestic travel using ground transport and railway, respectively, amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The Circular aims to restrict the public’s mobility even further by requiring travelers traveling within agglomerated areas to have a letter of approval stating that they are part of the business sectors categorized as essential or critical sectors as established by the implementation of the Emergency PPKM policy issued recently. The technical steps to obtain such letters are to be determined by their respective city administrations. A copy of the Circular No. 49/2021 here*

A copy of Circular No. 50.2021 here* 

Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian has issued Minister of Home Affairs Instruction No. 18/2021 on the second amendment to Minister of Home Affairs Instruction No. 15/2021 on the implementation of Emergency PPKM in Java and Bali. The instruction clarifies the business sectors that are allowed to operate at 50% capacity under the essential category and 100% capacity under the critical category. This include, for example, financial services that are oriented towards physical interaction with customers, whilst administrative staff are allowed only to work from the office at 25% capacity, among other clarifications. A copy of the instruction here* 

Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian has issued Minister of Home Affairs Instruction No. 17/2021 on the extension on restriction of public activities on the micro scale and the optimization of COVID-19 mitigation efforts in the village and sub-district level. The Instruction details the extension of the PPKM-Mikro policy on areas outside the islands of Java and Bali, which has earlier seen the implementation of an Emergency PPKM. A copy of the document here* 

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued Circular No. D/01326/07/2021/64 on international travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Circular, in reference to the recent implementation of an Emergency PPKM by the Indonesian government, adds a special clause to the existing restrictions on international travel that effectively obliges all foreign nationals entering Indonesia to present a certificate showing that the traveler has been completely vaccinated. Additionally, the traveler must comply with an 8 x 24 hours quarantine period in a government certified quarantine zone. This requirement is waived for foreign nationals with diplomatic visas, that are traveling in an official capacity as representatives of their government, or are entering Indonesia through the Travel Corridor Arrangement scheme. A copy of the circular here* 

The COVID-19 Task Force has issued an amendment to Circular No. 8/2021 on Health Protocol for International Travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. The addendum obliges all international travelers eligible to enter Indonesia as stipulated by the Indonesian Directorate General of Immigrations to comply with an 8-day quarantine and a readministering of an RT-PCR Test. Only Indonesian citizen traveling from overseas will have the cost of their quarantine and RT-PCR test borne by the government. Furthermore, international travelers entering Indonesia must also present a vaccination card that states that the traveler has been completely vaccinated. The amendment becomes effective starting July 6, 2021. A copy of the amendment here*

The COVID-19 Task Force has issued Circular No. 14/2021 on Domestic Travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. As stipulated in an earlier issued Minister of Domestic Affairs Instruction on the implementation of an Emergency PPKM, the COVID-19 Task Force Circular outlines the specifics of domestic travel. This include the requirement of a vaccination card as well as negative RT-PCR Test Result that is valid for the last 2x24-hour or a negative Antigen test result that is valid for 1x24-hour for individuals traveling into or from the island of Java and Bali via air, as well as other stipulations. The Circular also tasks members of the armed and the police to assist in monitoring and prevent the spread of COVID-19. A copy of the document here*

Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian has issued Minister of Home Affairs Instruction No. 15/2021 on the implementation of Emergency Restriction of Public Activities (Emergency PPKM) for COVID-19 in Java and Bali. The Instruction stipulates that, beginning July 3 to July 20, regional government must implement the tighter restrictions on public activities such as having all non-essential business sectors to apply a 100% WFH policy, for malls and shopping centers to close while restaurants may only serve delivery or take-away only, and for all worship houses to close, among other stipulations. Article here*

A copy of the instruction here*

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani revealed the government’s plan to boost social and health spending in support of the implementation of the recently announced Emergency PPKM. Among the spending is the extension of cash social aid for an additional two months of Rp 300,000 per month, the extension of discount for electrical bills for certain users of up to 100%, as well as fee assistance for business, industrial and social organizations for electricity usage, Article here*

The Indonesian government will implement an Emergency Restriction on Public Activities (PPKM) policy in the islands of Java and Bali starting from July 3 to July 20. As previously reported, the emergency PPKM will entail tighter restrictions such as obliging all non-essential business sectors to implement a 100% Work-From-Home policy, while all shopping centers and malls, worship houses and public parks will be closed. Certain essential and critical sectors such as the health and telecommunication sectors will remain operational under certain capacities while standalone supermarkets and stores that sell basic daily necessities may open until 8pm and only under strict health protocols, among other stipulations. Article here*

The Ministry of Health has issued Circular No. HK.02.02/I/1727/2021 on the third phase of vaccinations for vulnerable citizens, the general public and children between the age of 12 and 17 years old. The issuance of the Circular officially marks July 1, 2021, as the start of the country’s vaccinations process for the aforementioned population groups and further outlines the process for which the vaccination is carried out. A copy of the circular here*

The government has officially opened COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant woman and children between the age of 12-18 years old. The launch comes a day after the Indonesian Food and Drug administration finally issued an emergency use authorization for the China-developed SinoVac COVID-19 vaccines for pregnant women and children between 12 and 18 years old. Article here*

Minister of Domestic Affairs Tito Karnavian has issued Minister of Domestic Affairs Instruction No. 14/2021 on the implementation of Restriction on Public Activities in the Micro Scale (PPKM Mikro) and the optimization of COVID-19 Command Post on the Village and District Level. The instruction effectively extends the government’s lockdown policy known as PPKM-Mikro to July 5, 2021, and affirms the heightened restrictive policies that the government is taking following the resurgence of COVID-19, which is occurring due to the increased mobility of people during and after the national holiday season earlier in May, as well as the spread of the Delta variant of the corona virus in Indonesia. Article here: https://setkab.go.id/mendagri-terbitkan-instruksi-terkait-pengetatan-ppkm-mikro/ 

Minister of Religious Affairs Yaqut Cholil Qoumas has issued Circular No. 15/2021 on the carrying out of the Eid Adha religious holiday and the ritual of sacrifice during the COVID-19 pandemic, which falls from July 19 to 23. The circular limits occupancy of mosques to 10% capacity, whilst banning open air or outdoor worship in high-risk (red) and medium-risk (orange) zones, among other stipulations. Article here: https://setkab.go.id/menag-keluarkan-edaran-penyelenggaraan-salat-iduladha-dan-kurban-1442-h/

The Indonesian government has tightened its restriction on public activity policy in response to the resurgence of COVID-19 cases in the country. Starting from June 22 to July 5, all areas deemed as red zones will see tightened restrictions such as obliging companies to have 75% of their workforce working from home. Meanwhile, across the country, restaurants and shopping centers will have their opening hours cut to 8pm from 9pm previously and further restrict visitations to 25% capacity, among other stipulations. Article here: https://setkab.go.id/berlaku-mulai-22-juni-inilah-ketentuan-pengetatan-ppkm-mikro/ 

The Indonesian government has shifted the dates of a number of national and religious holidays to minimize the repeat of long-holidays that led to the current resurgence of COVID-19 cases. Specifically, the national holidays of Islamic New Year and the birthday of the Islamic prophet Muhammad have been shifted to Wednesday from Tuesday previously, while the communal leave of Christmas Eve on December 24 has been omitted from the government’s calendar. Article here: https://setkab.go.id/inilah-perubahan-hari-libur-nasional-dan-cuti-bersama-tahun-2021/

Minister of Religious Affairs Yaqut Cholil Qoumas has issued Minister of Religious Affairs Circular No. 13/2021 on the restriction of religious activities in houses of worship. The circular was issued in response to the recent surge in COVID-19 cases following the holiday season in May and the spread of a new and more virulent strain of the coronavirus. The circular bans religious activities in red and orange zones until such time that the government deems it safe again to continue religious activities in houses of worship. Article here: https://setkab.go.id/kasus-covid-19-melonjak-menag-terbitkan-edaran-pembatasan-kegiatan-di-rumah-ibadah/ 

Minister of Domestic Affairs Tito Karnavian has issued Minister of Domestic Affairs Instruction No. 13/2021 on the implementation of Restriction on Public Activities in the Micro Scale (PPKM Mikro) and the optimization of COVID-19 Command Post in the Village and District Level. The instruction, which affirms the extension of the PPKM Mikro policy to June 28 in response to the recent surge in COVID-19 cases following the holiday season, obliges red zone areas to apply strict health protocols. Article here: https://setkab.go.id/mendagri-terbitkan-instruksi-mengenai-pelaksanaan-ppkm-mikro-tahap-x/ 

The Ministry of Health has issued Minister of Health Regulation No. 18/2021 that amends Minister of Health Regulation No. 10/2021 on the implementation of vaccination in handling the COVID-19 pandemic. The new regulation now allows the use of similar types of vaccines in the Gotong Royong vaccination program as the vaccines used in the government-run national vaccination program. The document further regulates the handling of post-vaccinations illnesses, among other stipulations. Article here*

A copy of the regulation here: https://covid19.go.id/p/regulasi/peraturan-menteri-kesehatan- republik-indonesia-nomor-18-tahun-2021 

Indonesia’s capital city of Jakarta has officially opened vaccination service for the general public. The vaccination service is sanctioned by Ministry of Health Circular No. SR.02.04/II/1496/2021, which states that all Indonesians, both residents and non-residents of Jakarta, who are domiciled in Jakarta and who are at and above 18 years of age are eligible for COVID-19 vaccination through their nearest medical service provider. Head of the Disease Prevention and Control division of the Jakarta Health Agency Dwi Oktavia said eligible recipients may come to their nearest community health center (puskesmas) or hospital during vaccination hours and receive their COVID-19 vaccine injection. Article here: https://megapolitan.kompas.com/read/2021/06/10/08204231/informasi-lengkap-vaksinasi-covid-19-warga-usia-18-tahun-ke-atas-di?page=all#page2 

The Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology has issued, in conjunction with the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the latest guidelines for pre-school, elementary and middle schools for the COVID-19 pandemic period. The guideline was issued in anticipation of the government’s plan to allow limited face-to-face schooling in the near future. Article here: https://setkab.go.id/pemerintah-luncurkan-panduan-pembelajaran-paud-hingga-pendidikan-menengah-di-masa-pandemi/ 

The Indonesian government will extend its Restriction on Public Activities on the Micro Scale (PPKM Mikro) policy to all provinces from June 1 to June 14, said Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs and Chair of the National COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery Task Force, Airlangga Hartarto. The move is done as the government moves towards the third and last phase of its national vaccination program, which targets marginalized citizens first and then the general public. Article here: https://setkab.go.id/pemerintah-terapkan-ppkm-mikro-di-seluruh-provinsi-mulai-1-juni/ 

The government has extended the mandatory COVID-19 check-ups in Bakaheuni seaport in South Lampung, Sumatra, to May 31, 2021, Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs and Chair of the National COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery Task Force, Airlangga Hartarto announced on Monday, May 24. This is done in response to the increased traffic of people who are returning from their trip to their hometown in observance of the Idul Fitri holiday. Due to the increased travel during the holiday period, the government said there had been a 5.2% increase in the number of COVID-19 cases as of May 23. Article here*

The Minister of Health has issued Minister of Health Decree No. HK.01.07/Menkes/4641/2021 on the Guidelines for the Execution of Examination, Tracing, Quarantine and Isolation in Preventing and Mitigating COVID-19. The decree updates the minister’s previous guidelines on COVID-19 prevention and mitigation, specifically minister of health decrees No. HK. 01.07/Menkes/413/2020, HK.01.07/Menkes/3602/2021, and HK.01.07/446/2021. The decree took effect on May 11, 2021. A copy of the decree here*

The government has begun the third phase of its national vaccination program, which aims to inoculate some 140 million Indonesian citizens. Indonesian Health Ministry spokesperson Siti Nadia Tarmizi said this third phase of the program will mainly target vulnerable people based on their social and economic condition, as well as whether their domicile is significantly impacted by COVID-19. She added that a pilot project of the vaccination has already started in Jakarta and that as many as 25 million dosages of the vaccine have been prepared for the month of May. Article here*

The Minister of Health has issued Minister of Health Decree No. HK.01.07/Menkes/4643/2021 on the pricing of the Sinopharm vaccine through the appointment of PT Bio Farma as well as the procurement of Sinopharm vaccine for the Gotong Royong Vaccination scheme. The decree sets the price of the Sinopharm vaccine at Rp 321,660 (around US$22) and an injection fee of Rp 117,910 for a single injection. A copy of the regulation here*

Minister of Religious Affairs Yaqut Cholil Qoumas has issued Circular No. 08/2021 on the guidelines for the execution of the Ascension of Jesus Christ religious holiday, which falls on May 13, 2021. The guideline stipulates that churches may not serve more than 50% of the church’s capacity when providing worship services, as well as to implement social distancing practices as well as other norms established during the COVID-19 pandemic. Article here*

The Ministry of Home Affairs has issued Home Affairs Minister Instruction No. 10/2021 on the implementation of Restriction on Public Activities. The instruction effectively extends Indonesia’s brand of partial-lockdown, known as PPKM-Mikro, to May 17, 2021, whilst expanding its implementation to five other provinces, namely Riau islands, Bengkulu, Central Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, and West Papua. The instruction further commands regional governments to tighten surveillance during the Idul Fitri holiday season and to take the necessary measures to restrict travelling between regions. Article here*

The current situation has led the Indonesian investment authority BKPM (Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board) to issue this contact list:

OSS Services (Monday - Thursday: 9.00-14.00, Friday: 9.00-14.30 WIB) 

Email: info(at)bkpm.go.id 

Call Center:   


021-5252008 ext: 1135,1137,1145,1148,1163,1164,1167,1172,1181 or 1184 

Other Consultations: 

Investment Report (LKPM)

For companies in Sumatra:  021-5202046;  or  021-5252008 ext. 2712; 

For companies in DKI Jakarta, DI Yogyakarta, Kalimantan:  021-5225839;  or  021-5252008 ext. 2821; 

For companies in Banten, West Java, Central Java, and Sulawesi:  021-5225838;  or 021-5252008 ext. 2831; 

For companies in East Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, Maluku Utara, Papua and West Papua:  021-5275268;  or  021-5252008 ext. 2841;

Incentives/Facilities for investment: 

Email: masterlist.bkpm(at)gmail.com 

Phone: 021-5252008 ext: 2412;

Complaints:  021-5275266;

Offline investment document submission: 

Postal:  Deputi Bidang Pelayanan Penanaman Modal BKPM 

Jl. Jendral Gatot Subroto No. 44, Jakarta 12190

For investments in the Mineral and Coal sector, please submit the hard-copy and the soft-copy of the documents through perizinanminerba@esdm.go.id. For further information please contact:  081388224694;  081388224695;  or  081388224696. 

3. Latest Updates

This section contains the latest relevant information on the COVID-19 situation in Indonesia as it develops. Here you’ll find a consolidated list of the most recent news updates on COVID-19 in Indonesia as sourced from official accounts, reputable institutions as well as from EKONID’s own verification process.

Indonesia’s economy grew 3.69% as of the end of 2021 from the 2.07% contraction at the end of 2020. According to data from the Indonesia Statistics Agency (BPS), Indonesia’s economy grew 5.02% in the fourth quarter of 2021 year-on-year, with the island of Java contributing over half of the total growth. The growth was dominated by the four sectors of Agriculture, manufacturing, trade and mining. Article here*

The locally developed COVID-19 vaccine, dubbed Merah-Putih (Red-White) vaccine, has been authorized for clinical trials by the Indonesian food and drug administration (BPOM). The vaccine is being developed by Airlangga University in cooperation with PT Biotis Pharmaceuticals Indonesia and is based on an inactivated virus platform. Article here*

The Indonesian government will be increasing the level of its lockdown policy, known as PPKM, to level 3 from level 2 for the metro areas of Jakarta and its greater area, Yogyakarta, Bandung, as well as the island of Bali. Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs and Investment and Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said the decision was taken due to the increasing number of infections as well as the country’s lack of capacity for tracing. Article here*

The government is mulling over stopping its policy of opening schools to 100% physical attendance. The news comes after a proposal from Jakarta’s Governor Anies Baswedan to the Central Government over its 100% school reopening policy for one month due to concerns over the Omicron variant of COVID-19. Jodi Mahardi, a spokesperson for the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment, confirmed that the government was considering the proposal. Article here*

The Indonesian Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) has issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the use of Sinopharm as a booster vaccine for COVID-19. BPOM Chief Penny Lukito said the EUA for the Sinopharm booster vaccine is another alternative to the homologous booster vaccine for inactivated virus platform. Article here*

The Indonesian government will be shortening the number of quarantine days from 7 to 5 days for travelers who have been completely vaccinated, while extending and increasing its lockdown level across the country. Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said that the country’s lockdown policy known as PPKM would be extended to February 14, 2022, and that the President has ordered the hastening of COVID-19 booster shots distribution across the nation. Article here*

Indonesia is getting ready to open the touristic island of Bali to foreign travelers starting February 4, 2022. Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Pandjaitan said the decision was taken speed up the island’s economic recovery. The reopening of the island would be done in phases, the first of which only fully-vaccinated, Indonesian non-migrant workers are allowed to enter the island directly from overseas. Article here*

Indonesia’s economy is projected to grow by 3.3% in 2021, and then further upwards by 5.6% in 2022 and then 6% in 2023, according to the IMF (WEO) World Economic Outlook report. This follows a weaker than expected recovery due to the Omicron variant of COVID-19 while at the same time acknowledging the positive strides Indonesia has made in its other economic recovery efforts. Article here*

The Indonesian government has decided to maintain its current lockdown policy, known as PPKM, at level 2 for the capital city of Jakarta and its greater areas (Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi). The decision will be confirmed in an upcoming Minister of Home Affairs Instruction to be issued soon. Article here*

The effect of the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia is becoming more visible. Dr. Mintoro Sumego, a spokesperson for the government mandated Wisma Atlet COVID-19 quarantine zone in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, said the number of quarantined outpatients has spiked upwards from 112 in December 2021 to 2,535 as January 17, 2022. Dr. Sumego said 87% of the patients were those who recently returned from overseas. Article here*

Indonesia recorded a 20-month trade balance surplus in December 2021. According to data from the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency (BPS), as of the end of December 2021, Indonesia exported US$22.38 billion (Rp 321.2 trillion) and imported US$21.36 billion worth of goods. Manufactured goods saw the highest jump in export value compared to the same period in 2020 (up 35.11%), while machineries saw the highest increase in import value (15.24%). Official release here*

The Indonesian Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) has issued Emergency Use Authorizations (EUA) for five COVID-19 booster vaccines. The five booster vaccines are the Sinovac, Pfizer-BioNTech, AstraZeneca, Moderna and Zifivax vaccines. The government plans to start administering the booster vaccines on January 12, 2022. Article here*

The Indonesian police have launched a mobile application that could precisely monitor those under quarantine. The application was launched to prevent a possible outbreak of the latest COVID-19 variant known as Omicron. The use of the mobile application would be strengthened in Indonesia’s entry point for international travel, such as Soekarno-Hatta Airport in Banten and Batam Seaport in Riau islands. Article here*

Indonesia is the fourth nation with the largest number of COVID-19 jabs in the world. According to Our World in Data, as of January 4, 2022, Indonesia has injected as many as 284,554,361 dosages of COVID-19 vaccines, just below China, India, and the United States. This is roughly in line with data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, which shows that the county has injected over 284.15 million COVID-19 vaccines jabs to the country’s population – or equal to 80.83% of the targeted population for first jabs and 55.61% for second jabs. Article here*

The Indonesian government will reduce the mandatory quarantine period for all Indonesians and foreigners entering Indonesia to between 7 and 10 days from between 10 and 14 days previously. Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Pandjaitan announced the decision on Monday evening, January 3, 2022, saying that the government would not be providing any further discretions to international arrivals. Furthermore, Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said the government will also be adding more countries to the list of foreign nationals who are banned from entering Indonesia as more and more countries report increased numbers of infections by the Omicron variant of COVID-19. Article here*

Indonesia will begin giving COVID-19 booster shots to the general public from January 12, 2022, Indonesian Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin said on Monday, January 3, as quoted by Reuters. The decree comes amidst concern over the possible spread of the latest COVID-19 variant known as Omicron, which has reportedly infected over 152 people across the country thus far. Article here*

No provinces outside of Java and Bali are under PPKM level 3 or 4. Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said the COVID-19 situation in Indonesia continues to improve and that no cases of the newly emerging mutation of COVID-19 known as Omicron has been detected in the country thus far. Article here*

The Indonesian government will extend its PPKM lockdown policy in the islands of Java and Bali. Coordinating Minister on Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said the latest extension will apply for three weeks starting from December 14, 2021. The level of PPKM lockdown policy for each region will be clarified by the Ministry of Home Affairs. Article here*

In light of the proliferation of the new Omicron variant of COVID-19, the Indonesian government plans to extend the quarantine period for those entering Indonesia from overseas to 10 days from 7 days previously. Furthermore, to prevent any increase in COVID-19 cases in Indonesia during the Christmas and New Year holiday season, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said the government will implement the odd-even license plate policy for toll roads across the island of Java. Article here*

In light of the proliferation of the new Omicron variant of COVID-19, the Indonesian government plans to extend the quarantine period for those entering Indonesia from overseas to 10 days from 7 days previously. Furthermore, to prevent any increase in COVID-19 cases in Indonesia during the Christmas and New Year holiday season, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said the government will implement the odd-even license plate policy for toll roads across the island of Java. Article here*

Indonesian Central Bank BI forecast an economic growth of between 4.7 and 5.5% at the end of 2021. The forecast stems from improvements in the global economic condition with regards to COVID-19 outbreak response efforts as well as the country’s growing export numbers and increased domestic demand. A copy of the article here*

Indonesia will extend its PPKM policy for areas outside of Java and Bali until December 6, 2021. In a press release, Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said, based on current vaccination levels, no areas outside of Java and Bali will see PPKM level 3 and 4 implemented. Furthermore, citing the low positivity rate for COVID-19 in Indonesia, the government is targeting a 5.5-6% year-on-year economic growth for the fourth quarter of 2021. Article here*

Indonesia’s Central Bank has again maintained its reference BI 7 days repo rate at 3.50% for November 2021, citing the need to maintain the stability of the exchange rate and to continue supporting economic activity as the country faces the lowest level of COVID-19 infection rate yet. Article here*

The government will implement the second-highest level of its lockdown policy, PPKM Level 3, in all areas across the archipelago during the Christmas and New Year holiday season. Coordinating Minister of Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy announced the decision at an online Ministerial Coordination Meeting on Wednesday. He said the decision was taken to prevent the potential of another COVID-19 outbreak and that the policy will be implemented from December 24, 2021, to January 2, 2022. Article here*

Singapore will allow Indonesians who have been fully vaccinated to travel into the country without the need of quarantine, starting November 29. As quoted from the New Straits Times, the Singapore Civil Aviation Authority announced that Singapore will implement its Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL) for Indonesia and India starting November 29, 2021, while travelers from Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates can utilize the VTL starting December 6, 2021. Article here*

Indonesia’s export and import number has risen significantly again as of the end of October 2021, with export value in particular reaching a record high of US$22.03 billion, according to data from the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency. Export value rose 53.35% (YoY) from $14.36 billion on October 2020, while import value rose 51.06% (YoY) to $16.23 billion on October 2021 from $10.78 billion on October 2020. Article here*

COVID-19 cases in areas outside Java and Bali are on the decline, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said in a cabinet meeting on COVID-19 on Monday, November 15, 2021. Mr. Hartarto said COVID-19 reproduction rate has dropped below 1 and that, based on current assessment, no areas outside Java and Bali would see PPKM level 3 and 4 implemented in the coming days. Article here*

US-based financial services firm Morgan Stanley forecasts a growth of 3.6% in 2021 for and 5.5% in 2022 for Indonesia. In a recently released report titled “Indonesia Economics & Strategy: Three Reasons to be Bullish”, the firm expects Indonesia to recover at a fast rate as the economic reopens following improvements in the country’s COVID-19 situation, further expecting that the country will achieve its complete vaccination goal for adults by January 2022 and its whole population by March 2022. Article here*

Indonesian President Joko Widodo and Malaysian Prime Minister Dato Sri Ismail Sabri has agreed to start a Travel Corridor Arrangement between the two countries and to gradually reopen their respective borders to visitors from both countries. The announcement came in tandem with the news that Malaysia plans to open its borders to International by January 1, 2022, at the latest. Malaysia announced earlier on Monday that it would launch a vaccinated travel lane with neighboring Singapore on November 29, allowing quarantine-free travel for inoculated people between the two countries. Article here*

The Indonesian government has earmarked Rp 320 trillion (US$22.4 billion) for its National Economic Recovery (PEN) program in 2022. Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said the funds would be allocated for the three sectors of health, social security, and small-and-medium-sized enterprises. Article here*

The government will extend its lockdown policy, known as PPKM, for areas outside the islands of Java and Bali to November 22, 2021. Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said the upcoming lockdown will further see cities and/or regencies where PPKM level 3 would be re-implemented because their COVID vaccination rate had fallen behind. Article here*

Indonesia’s economic growth slowed more than expected to 3.51% in the third quarter due to mobility restrictions imposed in the effort to control a deadly COVID-19 wave, according to data from the Indonesia Central Statistics Agency. Analysts polled by Reuters had expected growth to cool in the July - September period from a year earlier, compared with a 7.07% expansion in the second quarter of 2021. Article here

The Indonesian Coordinating Minister of Human Development and Cultural Affairs Muhadjir Effendy said the Indonesian government will allow those travelling domestically by air to use negative COVID-19 antigen test results. The announcement is an apparent backtracks from the previous announcement that Government will make PCR test mandatory for any travelers travelling by air. Article here*

Indonesia manufacturing index score reached a record high having risen to 57.2 as of the end of October 2021 from 52.2 at the end of September 2021, as reported by London-based consultancy firm IHS Markit. The rise, according to Indonesian Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, was due to the continuous improvement in the country’s COVID-19 situation. Article here*

The Indonesian Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) has approved the use or vaccines from China-based biopharmaceutical company Sinovac, which includes Coronavac and the Bio Farm COVID-19 vaccine, for children age 6 to 11. Article here*

The Ministry of Investment/Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board revealed that it has reached 73.3% of its total foreign investment target of 2021, or about Rp 659.4 trillion (US$46.4 billion). Minister of Investment Bahlil Lahadalia said the third quarter 2021 investment rose 3.7% year-on-year, but dipped 2.8% compared to the second quarter of 2021. The largest recipient of foreign investment was the basic metal and metal goods sector. Find a copy of the report here*

Indonesia received a million COVID-19 vaccines from Sinovac as part of a grant from the Chinese government. It is the 100th shipment of vaccines to have arrived Indonesia, and further increases the total number of vaccines to have arrived in Indonesia to over 293 million. Article here*

Indonesia received another 1,182,870 dosages of COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech, as well as 844,820 dosages of COVID-19 vaccines from AstraZeneca. The Pfizer-BioNtech vaccines were purchased directly by the Indonesian government, while the AstraZeneca vaccines are part of an agreement with the Japanese government. They are the 97th and 98th shipment of vaccines to have arrived in Indonesia, respectively. Article here*

In the light of the heightened mobility restrictions for air travel to and from the islands of Java and Bali as well as areas implementing the Indonesian government’s lockdown policy of PPKM level 3 and 4, the Ministry of Transportation said the government would be allowing airlines to carry 100% capacity in passengers from 70% previously. Adita Irawati, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Transportation, said the Ministry would issue a regulation regarding the change soon. Article here*

An additional 224,000 COVID-19 vaccines from AstraZeneca arrived in Soekarno-Hatta Airport on October 19, 2021. It is the 92nd shipment of COVID-19 vaccines to have arrived in Indonesia and part of a vaccine cooperation with Japan further increasing the total number of vaccines to have arrived in Indonesia to over 285.3 million dosages. Article here*

The government announced that, in addition to Bali, it will also open the Riau Islands for foreign tourists from the 19 countries allowed to enter Indonesia. Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Pandjaitan said the countries include Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, New Zealand, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Liechtenstein, Italy, France, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Poland, Hungary and Norway. Official press release here*

Indonesia and Saudi Arabia has reached an agreement allowing Indonesian to travel to the country for religious pilgrimage. Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi said the Ministry has received a diplomatic note confirming the reopening of the country to travelers from Indonesia and that the country will possibly implement a five-day quarantine period for pilgrims, among other stipulations. Article here*

The Indonesian Food and Drug Agency (BPOM) has approved the use of the COVID-19 vaccines produced by China-based Anhui Zhifei Longcom Biopharmaceutical for emergency use. To be distributed under the name Zifivax, it's the fourth Chinese vaccine cleared for use in the country and is said to potentially be used as booster vaccine. Article here*

The government is reportedly considering to reduce the quarantine time for international travelers heading to Bali to 5 days from 8 days as previously announced in the most recent extension of its lockdown policy. Bali is scheduled to be open for some international tourists starting from October 14. Article here*

An additional 1,199,250 vaccines from Pfizer BioNTech arrived in Soekarno-Hatta Airport on October 7, 2021. It’s the 85th shipment of COVID-19 vaccines into Indonesia and further increases the total number of vaccines to have arrived in Indonesia to over 278.2 million dosages. Article here*

The Indonesian government will extend its lockdown policy known as PPKM to October 18, 2021, but with further relaxation to some of the restrictions in place in previous PPKMs. In a bi-weekly press conference held on October 4, 2021, Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs and Investment as well as the coordinating chief of the Indonesian COVID-19 and Economic Recovery Task Force Luhut Pandjaitan said that among the relaxations was the reopening of Ngurah Rai Airport in Bali to International flights for certain countries starting October 14, 2021, and that some businesses such as fitness centers and movie theatres will be allowed to reopen or have their capacities expanded starting October 5, 2021.  

Furthermore, the government will be piloting the implementation of Level 1 PPKM in Blitar, East Java, the success of which could mean expanding the policy to other cities in Java and Bali. Article here*

More than 2.5 million COVID-19 vaccines arrived in Indonesia from October 2 to 3. Four COVID-19 vaccines shipments arrived in Indonesia, specifically the AstraZeneca and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines as part of the country’s various effort to bulk up on its vaccine supply during that period. These shipments increased the total number of vaccines to have arrived in Indonesia to more than 276.9 million dosages. Additionally, more of a quarter of the country’s population targeted for vaccination – more than 52 million people as of October 3 – have been inoculated. Article here*

The World Bank cuts its forecast for Indonesia’s economic growth to 3.7% from 4.4% estimated in April this year due to the surge of COVID-19 cases caused by the Delta variant in June. World Bank East Asia and Pacific Chief Economist Aaditya Matoo added however that the country has taken early measure to implement its mass vaccination program and expects the vaccines to cover a bigger proportion of the population in the middle of next year, which would further improve economic activity. Article here*

The number of deaths caused by COVID-19 has fallen by 48% in the last week while weekly cases are down by 40%, a Health Ministry spokesperson said on September 22, 2021. Director of Directly Transmitted Disease Prevention and Control at the Ministry of Health Siti Nadia Tarmizi said the country’s testing rate had increased to 4.22 per 1,000 people per week, or above the WHO standard of 1 per 1,000. Furthermore, National positivity rate has gone down to below 5%. Article here*

Indonesia received another 5.2 million COVID-19 vaccines from China-based biopharmaceutical company SinoVac on Tuesday, September 21, 2021. It’s the 71st vaccine shipment to have arrived in Indonesia, which further increases the total number of vaccines to have arrived in the country to 267,550,400 dosages. Article here*

Indonesia Central Bank BI held its benchmark interest rate unchanged at the current record low of 3.5%, with BI Governor Perry Warjiyo citing the need to keep the exchange rate stable as the inflation rate is expected to remain low, as well as to support economic growth. The decision to keep the benchmark interest at its current rate had also taken into account the expected tapering from the Fed, which Mr. Warjiyo said would have a lower impact compared to 2013. Article here*

An additional 5 million vaccines from China-based biopharmaceutical company SinoVac arrived in Indonesia on September 20, 2021. It’s the 70th shipment of COVID-19 vaccine to the country, which further increases the total number of vaccines to have arrived in Indonesia to over 262 million dosages.  

An additional 1.2 million of the Pfizer-BioNtech COVID-19 vaccines arrived in Indonesia on Thursday, September 16, 2021. The shipment is a result of a direct purchase by the Indonesian government to the US-based pharmaceutical company. Some of the vaccines in this shipment were delivered directly to Surabaya in East Java and Semarang in Central Java to be distributed directly to their destinations in the effort to hasten the country’s vaccination program. Article here*

Indonesia is reportedly planning to reopen its borders to foreigners soon. According to information obtained by EKONID, the Ministry of Law of Human Rights will be issuing Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regulation No. 34/2021 on the Granting of Visa and Immigration Permit during the COVID-19 pandemic handling period and towards national economic recovery. The regulation outlines the granting of visa to foreigners who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 while further outlawing the granting on visa-on-arrival until such time the pandemic is declared to be over. 

Singapore-based UOB bank expects Indonesia to grow 3.5% in 2021 and then by 5% in 2022. UOB economist Enrico Tanuwidjaja, at the event “UOB Economic Outlook 2022 - Empowering the Indonesian Economy for Stronger Recovery”, said the positive outlook was based on improved economic conditions owing to the increased vaccination rate, as well as the government’s accommodative economic policies with some the performance of some sectors already returning to pre-pandemic levels in real terms. The link to the event here (economic outlook starts at 1.11.00)

Indonesia’s saw exports rise at a record pace of 64.1% (y-o-y) in August 2021 of US$21.42 billion (Rp 347.45 trillion). The national statistics agency BPS reported the highest increase was seen in the fats and animal fats business category of $1.5 billion, while the largest drop was seen in the fertilizer business category of $52.8 million. Meanwhile, imports rose 55.26% at $16.68 billion in that same period with raw ingredients/enhancing material seeing the highest increase of 59.59% (yoy) with $12.38 billion. Find the report here*

Indonesia received a shipment of 274,950 COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer BioNTech on Wednesday, September 15, 2021. It is the 62nd shipment of vaccines to have arrived in Indonesia and is the third shipment of the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine. Article here*

The government has officially launched its social cash assistance program for micro-businesses. Starting with the city of Medan in North Sumatra, the government has tasked the police and the armed forces to coordinate the distribution of about 1 million aid packages valued at Rp 1.2 million (roughly US$84) per aid to roadside cart vendors and small roadside diners in the city. Article here*

The government has officially launched its social cash assistance program for micro-businesses. Starting with the city of Medan in North Sumatra, the government has tasked the police and the armed forces to coordinate the distribution of about 1 million aid packages valued at Rp 1.2 million (roughly US$84) per aid to roadside cart vendors and small roadside diners in the city. Article here*

The Indonesian government will be providing social aid in cash for micro-businesses, specifically for roadside cart vendors and small road-side diners in the amount of about Rp 1.2 million (roughly US$84) per business. Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said only micro-businesses operating in areas categorized as PPKM level 3 and 4 are eligible for the social aid. Article here*

Indonesia has achieved 32.1% of its national vaccination target of about 208 million individuals as of September 6, 2021, as reported by the COVID-19 Task Force. Out of this target, only around twenty percent of the senior citizens targeted for vaccinations have received their vaccine jabs. Article here*

Indonesia have spent Rp 326.74 trillion (roughly US$22.96 billion) or 43% of the Rp 744.77 trillion earmarked for the country’s fight against COVID-19 in 2021. This comprised of Rp 77.18 trillion or 35.9% of the budget for the health sector and Rp 99.3 trillion or 53.2% of the budget for the social sector, among other sectors. Article here*

Indonesia received 5 million COVID-19 vaccines from SinoVac on Monday, September 6, 2021. It’s the 50th shipment of vaccines overall into Indonesia, increasing the total tally to 225.4 million vaccines from nearly all major COVID-19 vaccine makers from around the world. Article here*

Indonesia received just slightly below 1.2 million dosages of COVID-19 vaccines from BioNTech Pfizer on September 2, 2021, the second shipment of BioNTech Pfizer vaccines to have arrived in Indonesia and the 47th overall. Indonesia was slated to receive some 54.6 million BioNTech Pfizer vaccines as part of several vaccination schemes with the company as well as in a bilateral agreement with the US. Additionally, as many as 500,000 AstraZeneca vaccines have also arrived in Indonesia as part of a dose-sharing scheme with Australia. Article here* and here*

As many as 583,000 COVID-19 vaccines from AstraZeneca has arrived in Indonesia on September 1, 2021. IT’s the 46th shipment of vaccines to have arrived in Indonesia, which increases the total number of vaccines to have arrived in Indonesia to 218.5 million. The country has completed over 100 million jabs of COVID-19 vaccines within the country’s national vaccination program. Article here*

Indonesia’s annual inflation rate inched up in August to 1.59%, the highest in three months but still below the country’s central bank’s target range, according to data from the Central Statistics Agency. The August annual core inflation rate, which excludes government-controlled and volatile prices, eased to 1.31, roughly in line with expectations from an earlier Reuters poll, from 1.40% in July. Article here*

Indonesia will receive an additional 331.6 million dosages of COVID-19 vaccines in the August to December 2021 period, said President Joko Widodo. According to a virtual conference held by the Indonesian Economist Association (ISEI), the 331.6 million COVID-19 vaccines would be comprised of over 258 million fixed deliveries and 73 million unfixed deliveries. As of August 31, 2021, Indonesia has completed around 97.8 million jabs of COVID-19 vaccines. Article here*

Indonesia has received an additional 15.3 million AstraZeneca and SinoVac vaccines in the last few days, increasing the total of vaccines to have arrived in the country to 217.9 million dosages of COVID-19 vaccines. Coordinating Minister of Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy said the vaccines would be used to support the government’s national vaccination program, which, as of August 26, has covered 28.53% of the total target for first jabs, while 16.02% of the population have been fully vaccinated. Article here*

State Revenue grew by 11.8% (yoy) as of July 2021, the Ministry of Finance revealed on Thursday, signaling another turn-around in the country’s economic activity. Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani said Realized Tax Revenue grew by 7.6% (yoy) to Rp 647.7 trillion (around US$44.8 billion), while excise and customs grew by 29.5% to Rp 141.2 trillion, while non-tax state revenue grew 81.2% (yoy) to Rp 242.1 trillion. “All this shows a green signal,” she said. Article here*

Several provinces in Indonesia are allowed to reduce their PPKM level from level 4 to level 3 until the next review decision announcement on August 30, 2021, President Joko Widodo announced on Monday evening, August 23, 2021. It is not yet clear which provinces will reduce their PPKM levels. Article here*

Indonesia has secured more than 200 million COVID-19 vaccines with the arrival of an additional 5 million vaccines from China-based biopharmaceutical company SinoVac on August 23, 2021. It is the 42nd shipment of COVID-19 vaccines to have arrived in Indonesia and will go towards the President’s target of 2 million vaccination per day. Article here*

Indonesia’s Central Bank BI (Bank Indonesia) maintained its benchmark interest rate at 3.50% in anticipation of a possible tapering off of US monetary policy that could potentially threaten the stability of the Rupiah. BI Governor Perry Warjiyo added that the bank has already been collecting state bonds to stabilize any extreme valuation of the country’s exchange rate. Article here*

Indonesia will receive 1.5 million dosages of COVID-19 vaccines from BioNTech-Pfizer - the first batch out of 50 million vaccines to be delivered as part of an agreement between Indonesia and the vaccine maker that was reached last month. Furthermore, just over a million dosages of AstraZeneca vaccine are expected to arrive this week with half being a part of bilateral agreement between Indonesia and the Netherlands, while the other half as direct purchases from the Indonesian government. Article here*

Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto announced that the Indonesian government will continue its National Economic Recovery (PEN) program to 2022 in anticipating the potential lasting economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. He said some Rp 148.1 trilion (US$10.3 billion) had been earmarked for the health sector, while another Rp 153.7 trillion were earmarked for social protection programs in 2022. Article here*

The Ministry of Health will set the maximum price of PCR Test to Rp 495,000 (around US$34) for Java and Bali and Rp 525,000 for areas outside of Java and Bali, the government announced on Monday, August 16, 2021. Furthermore, the PCR Test results must be available within a day after a testing. The acting Director General of Health Services at the Ministry of Health, Abdul Kadir, said the Ministry will start compelling health service providers to abide by the new prices as early as Tuesday, August 17, 2021. Article here*

10 million COVID-19 vaccines from China-based pharmaceutical SinoVac arrived in 2 x 5 million batches to Indonesia on August 16 and August 13, 2021. This 35th and 36th shipment of vaccines further increases the total of COVID-19 vaccines to have arrived in Indonesia to 190 million both bulk and ready-to-use vaccines. Article here*

The Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian has banned public events from the commemoration of the Indonesian Independence Day on August 17, 2021. The decision was taken to prevent the further spread of COVID-19. Article here*

Indonesia is preparing a roadmap to anticipate the possibility of the corona virus becoming endemic to the country. In mirroring its neighbor country Singapore, Indonesia is drafting a number of protocols for which the country can resume economic activities while preventing a larger COVID-19 outbreak. Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin said the protocol will center around the government’s vaccination app known as PeduliLindungi, as well as by strengthening the country’s testing and tracing capacity. Article here*

Indonesia received an additional 594,200 COVID-19 AstraZeneca vaccines on August 6, 2021. It’s the 35th vaccine shipment to have arrived in the country, which further increases to the total number of vaccines to over 180 million. Article here*

Indonesia pulled out of the recession with a 7.07% (yoy) economic growth in the second quarter of 2021, the highest growth in over a decade. The recovery came at the back of eased lockdown measures as the number of COVID-19 cases were slowly coming under control. However, cases have been spiking upwards again since late June and the country has again implemented strict lockdown measures, which could potentially impact the recovery progress. Article here

Another 500,000 dosages of Sinopharm vaccine arrived in Indonesia on Tuesday, August 3, 2021. It’s the 34th shipment of vaccines to have arrived in the country, further increasing the total amount of vaccines to 445 million. Article here*

Another 3.5 million of Moderna and 620,000 of AstraZeneca vaccines arrived in Indonesia on Sunday, August 1, and Monday, August 2, respectively. It's the 32nd and 33rd shipment of vaccines to Indonesia, increasing the total amount of vaccines to have arrived in Indonesia to 440 million. Article here*

Indonesia received an additional 1.5 million bulk vaccines from China-based biopharmaceutical company SinoPharm on Friday, July 30, 2021. It’s the 31st shipment of vaccines to Indonesia and further increases the total amount of vaccines to have arrived in Indonesia to 208.2 million. Article here*

Indonesia has received an additional 21.2 million bulk vaccines from China-based biopharmaceutical company SinoVac. It’s the 30th shipment of vaccines to Indonesia and further increases the total amount of vaccines to have arrived in Indonesia to 208.2 million. Article here*

The IMF cuts its economic growth estimates for a number of developing countries, including Indonesia, while lifting the outlook on developed countries, its latest report reveals. Recent waves of COVID-19 infections has led the body to lower the prospect for emerging Asia to 7.5% -down 1.1 percentage point from its April forecast. On the other hand, expected progress in COVID-19 vaccination rates boosts the IMF 2022 global growth by 0.5 percentage points to 4.9%. Article here* 

The tourism, transportation and hotel, restaurants and cafĂ© sector will be getting numerous incentives in the hope of alleviating the economic impact of the government’s lockdown policy in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to these industries, Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto announced on Monday, July 26, 2021. It is not yet clear what the incentives are except that it will be effective in the second half of 2021. Article here*

As many as 8 million COVID-19 vaccines from China-based pharmaceutical company SinoVac arrived in Indonesia on July 22, 2021. It’s the 29th shipment of vaccines, further increasing the total amount of vaccines to have in Indonesia to more than 152.9 million dosages. Article here* 

As many as 1.18 million COVID-19 vaccines from China-based Sinopharm has arrived in Indonesia. This shipment is part of a vaccine procurement contract that amounts to 15 million vaccines and will be used in the government’s Gotong Royong Vaccination program. Article here* 

President Joko Widodo has cancelled the government’s plan to allow individuals to buy COVID-19 vaccination through the country’s state-owned pharmaceutical Kimia Farma. In a press release, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung said the decision was taken after the negative public response that came following the announcement of the program. Article here*

Indonesia has received another 1.5 million COVID-19 vaccines from US-based pharmaceutical Moderna, as well as over 2.1 million AstraZeneca vaccines from the multilateral COVAX facility with the US and Japan on Friday, July 16, 2021. This increases the total number of vaccines to have been received by Indonesia to 115,500,280 bulk vaccines and 24,774,200 ready-to-use vaccines. Article here*  

Indonesia’s export and import rose to record highs as of the end of June 2021, according to data from the Central Statistics Agency. Indonesia’s import was US$17.23 billion, a 60.12% increase compared to the same period last year the highest value since October 2018. Meanwhile, Indonesia’s export was US$18.55 billion, a 54.56% increase (yoy) and the highest value since August 2011. Article here* 

The Jakarta police has blocked and closed as many as 100 main thoroughfares throughout the city to reduce the mobility of the capital’s residents in the hope of mitigating the spread of COVID-19. Workers working in critical and essential sectors as determined by the government may pass through the blockade until 10am, after which only workers from the health sector and other emergency vehicles may pass. Article here* 

The Indonesian Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) has issued an Emergency Usage Authorization (EUA) for the Comirnaty vaccine – the brand under which the COVID-19 vaccine developed by German biotechnology company BioNtech and American pharmaceutical Pfizer is sold. The Indonesian Ministry of Health and Pfizer and BioNtech earlier made an agreement to supply the country with 50 million dosages of the vaccine. Article here*

Indonesia received another 3.4 million dosages of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccines from the international multilateral COVAX-Gavi facility. This 8th shipment of vaccines from the COVAX-Gavi facility increases the total number of vaccines to have arrived in Indonesia to 137.6 million dosages. Article here*

Indonesia received an additional 1.4 million COVID-19 vaccines from China-based pharmaceutical Sinopharm on July 13, 2021. The shipment is part of both a binding and non-binding agreement for the procurement of a total of 15 million vaccines as part of the government’s Gotong Royong program. Article here*

Indonesia has received 3 million COVID-19 vaccines from US-based pharmaceutical Moderna and 10 million vaccines from China-based pharmaceutical Sinovac on July 11 and 12, 2021, respectively. It is the 20th and 21st shipment of COVID-19 vaccines in Indonesia which increases the amount of vaccines to have arrived in Indonesia to over 115 million. Article here*

The government has completed the conversion of the Haj Pilgrimage Dormitory in Pondok Gede, Jakarta, into a COVID-19 quarantine and treatment zone. The facility is equipped to handle nearly 1,000 patients has started operation on Saturday, July 10, 2021. Furthermore, the government is preparing a quarantine area in the Pasar Rumput Apartments in Jakarta, which has a capacity of nearly 6,000 beds, as well as converting the government owned Cipto Mangukusumo hospital into a special COVID-19 handling zone. Article here*  

The government will expand its Emergency PPKM policy to 15 regencies or cities outside of the island of Java and Bali to further curb the spread of COVID-19. These 15 regencies or cities were selected due to a rapid increase of COVID-19 cases, a 65% hospital bed occupancy rate, and a vaccination coverage of less than 50%. The policy is said to become effective staring July 12 to 20. Article here* 

The government has again extended its lockdown policy of PPKM-Mikro for areas outside Java and Bali to July 20. This is the 11th extension since the lockdown was first introduced early in the year. Nearly 80% of all active COVID-19 cases are found on the islands of Java and Bali. Article here*

The government has again extended its lockdown policy of PPKM-Mikro for areas outside Java and Bali to July 20. This is the 11th extension since the lockdown was first introduced early in the year. Nearly 80% of all active COVID-19 cases are found on the islands of Java and Bali. Article here* 

Indonesia will increase its health spending to Rp 193.93 trillion (Over US$13.39 billion) from Rp 172 trillion previously in response to the recent drastic resurgence of COVID-19 cases in the country. The budget will be spent on the country’s national health insurance scheme for 19.15 million recipients, as well as to increase the country’s capacity to test, trace and treat COVID-19 cases. Article here*

Bank Indonesia has reduced its forecast for Indonesia’s economic growth due to the recent implementation of a stricter lockdown policy that came in response to the resurgence of COVID-19 cases. BI Governor Perry Warjiyo expects economic growth in the second quarter to be between 6% and 7% below the earlier forecasted, while growth for the full year is expected to be between 4.1 and 5.1%. Article here*

The Jakarta administration now requires anyone travelling into the city to have a Letter of Registration for Workers (Surat Tanda Registrasi Pekerja or STRP) before being allowed to enter. The rule aims to enforce an earlier issued Minister of Domestic Affairs Instruction on the implementation of Emergency PPKM, which stipulates that only workers in essential and critical business sectors are allowed to work on site. Individuals with urgent needs such as for women in labor or to transport the deceased, may also apply. Article here*

Indonesia will receive 3 million COVID-19 vaccines in grant from The Netherlands, Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said. This is in addition to a number of vaccine aids that Indonesia is slated to receive as part of its bilateral cooperation with other countries. Currently, Indonesia is scheduled to receive 4 million COVID-19 Moderna vaccines from the US, 2 million dosages from Japan, as well as 77 million Australian dollars to help Indonesia procure at least 10 million vaccines through the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) facility. Article here

The Indonesian Food and Drugs Administration (BPOM) has issued an emergency use authorization for COVID-19 vaccines made by US-based pharmaceutical Moderna. The vaccines will be used in the government’s national vaccination program and can only be used for recipients over the age of 18. Article here*

Indonesia has received 998,400 AstraZeneca vaccines as part of a bilateral cooperation agreement between Indonesia and Japan. It is the first arrival out of two planned shipments of the UK-made COVID-19 vaccine. The arrival brings the total supply of AstraZeneca vaccine in the country to over 9.2 million for a total of more than 105 million COVID-19 shipped to Indonesia thus far. Article here*

Indonesia manufacturing remains on an expansionary trend amidst a resurgence of COVID-19 cases. As of the end of June 2021, the country received a Purchasing Manager Index score of 53.5 from IHS Markit, a UK-based consultancy firm. Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said Indonesia’s the score was evidence of Indonesia’s success in transforming itself into an industrial state. Data from the Ministry of Industry showed that the manufacturing sector contributed US$66.7 billion - nearly 80% - of the country’s total export in the January to May 2021 period. Article here*

A new variant of COVID-19 dubbed “Kappa” has been identified in Indonesia’s capital city of Jakarta. Head of the Jakarta Health Agency Widyastuti said the variant is even more virulent than the previously discovered “variants of concern” of the disease dubbed Alpha, Beta and Delta. She warned the public to stay alert and to follow the government’s Emergency PPKM policy to prevent the disease from crippling the city’s health infrastructure. Article here*

The government is finalizing its plan to lockdown the island of Java and Bali after days of all-time highs COVID-19 infection rates. President Joko Widodo said this “Emergency PPKM-Mikro" plan, in reference to the government’s current lockdown policy, will cover the islands of Java and Bali being decided upon soon. Furthermore, as reported by Kompas daily in a separate article, the Emergency PPKM-Mikro will have all non-critical sectors to implement a 100% Work-from-Home policy, among other proposals, and is slated to last from July 2 to 20. Article here* and here*

An additional 14 million dosages of COVID-19 bulk vaccine from China-based SinoVac arrived in Indonesia on Wednesday, June 30. This is the 18th shipment of COVID-19 vaccines to have arrived in Indonesia, increasing the total supply to over 105 million dosages. Article here*

The government will introduce another tax incentive in the form of abolishing added-value taxes for the rental of retail space in malls. The no-added-value tax incentive will be applied in the June to August 2021 taxation period. Deputy of Macro-Economic and Finance Coordination at the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs Iskandar Simorangkir said the incentive was part of the country’s Economic Recovery Program and was done to support retailers during the current resurgence of COVID-19 cases. Article here*

The government is considering of tightening its restriction on public activities policy, known as PPKM-Mikro, as infection rates continues to occur at all-time highs since the COVID-19 pandemic began. The revision to the policy, as reported by Kompas daily, include obliging shopping centers to close at 5pm from 8pm previously, banning in-house dining at restaurants, and expanding the 75%-25% Work-from-Home and Work-from-Office Ratio to include orange or medium risk areas. Article here*

The government announced that it will soon began vaccinating citizens between 12-17 years old after receiving an emergency use authorization from the country’s food and drugs administration for the SinoVac vaccine. Article here*

Indonesia’s Finance Minister, Sri Mulyani, has unveiled the ministry plan to overhaul its tax regulations, including introducing a program to report undisclosed asset, bringing in a carbon tax and hiking the Value-Added Tax rate. The plan also includes a 35% income tax for people earning at least Rp 5 billion (over US% 344,000) annually. The new tax regulation was proposed to offset the financial burden of the state budget following the government’s series of financial incentives and subsidies in lessening the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Article here

Bali Governor Wayan Koster has issued Circular No. 8/2021 that effectively eliminates a negative GeNose test result as a valid pass to enter the island. All travelers entering Bali, via air or sea, must have a PCR-based negative test result starting from June 29 onwards. Mr. Koster said the policy has been approved by the central government in the effort to prevent a similar resurgence of COVID-19 cases as currently seen in other parts of the country. Article here*

Indonesia’s capital city of Jakarta has become a red zone or high-risk area following days of experiencing some of the highest rates of COVID-19 cases since the pandemic started. A total of 29 areas in 11 provinces in Indonesia are categorized as red zones as of June 24, 2021. Article here*

The government will be opening registration for free COVID-19 vaccination for the general public on the national level starting July 2021, having piloted its vaccination program for the general public in the nation’s capital only within last month. Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin said that enough vaccines are in stock for the government to start vaccinating all Indonesians who are 18 years old and above. Article here*

Indonesia’s tax revenue grew by 3.4% (yoy) as of the end of May 2021. The country collected Rp 459.6 trillion (about US$31.7 billion) or 37.4% out of the targeted Rp 1,229.6 trillion this year. Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani said the increase in tax revenue, along with a number of other indicators such as customs and excise, signals an improvement in the country’s economy amidst the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Article here*

The city of Bandung will be closing several main roads to restrict the mobility of its residents in the effort to contain the COVID-19 pandemic in the area. As many as 30 main roads spread across three “rings” in the city will be closed for transport from 6pm to 5am every day, as well as from 2pm to 4pm at the weekends for ring 1 and ring 2. Article here*

The government will extend several tax incentives, such as the income tax for employees and 50% income tax installment discount for corporation, to the end of 2021 from the initial end of June 2021. Deputy Finance Minister Suahasil Nazara said the policy was taken to further support the government’s national economic recovery program. He added that the ministry is also considering to extend its tax incentives for value-add tax for housing and luxury tax for vehicles to the end of the year. Article here*

The police and the armed forces will be holding a health protocol enforcement operation in 29 areas designated as COVID-19 red zones or high-risk areas. The police and armed forces will be looking for any violation of the government’s public activity restriction policy, such as individuals not wearing masks in public and restaurants that are still open pass the allowed hour. Article here*

Starting Monday, June 21, 2021, the capital city of Jakarta will see several main thoroughfares closed to reduce public mobility amidst the resurgence of COVID-19 cases in the city. At least 10 main roads will be closed from 9pm to 4am with authorities actively patrolling the areas to shut down any public activities still occurring at the aforementioned hours. Article here*

An additional 10 million dosages of bulk COVID-19 vaccines from China-based biopharmaceutical company SinoVac arrived in Indonesia through Soekarno-Hatta Airport in Tangerang, Banten, on Sunday, June 20. This 17th shipment of vaccines brings the total number of vaccines from various producers to have arrived in Indonesia to over 104 million dosages. Article here*

Jakarta saw the second highest number of new daily cases since the pandemic started with 4,144 new cases on Thursday, June 17, 2021. The highest daily case in the capital occurred on February 7, 2021, at 4,213. Meanwhile, the number of patients admitted to Wisma Atlet, the city’s COVID-19 quarantine facility, has risen by 600% in the last nine days. Article here*

The Jakarta administration has decided against allowing schools to reopen and against limited face-to-face schooling following the recent surge of COVID-19 cases in the city and elsewhere across the country. Head of the Jakarta Health Agency Widyastuti said the city will wait and see how the situation develops before deciding to implement limited face-to-face schooling again. Article here*

Indonesia saw a consecutive trade surplus for the second month in a row of US$2.36 billion as of May 2021, according to data of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). Export was up 58.7% to $16.6 billion (yoy), while import rose by 68.6% to $14.23 billion (yoy) in the BPS’s May report. Minister of Economic Affairs and Chair of the COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery Task Force said the surplus indicated that Indonesia’s economy was on a recovery path following the nation’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Article here*

Indonesia has received an additional 1 million dosages of Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccines, increasing the total of vaccines received from Sinopharm to 2 million dosages. These vaccines would be used for the national Gotong Royong vaccination program, which is directed towards the employees of private companies that are participating in the program. Article here*

The Indonesian government has again extended its policy of restricting public activities in the micro-scale, also known as PPKM Mikro, until June 28, 2021, following the recent surge of cases in the areas of Kudus in Central Java and Bangkalan on the island of Madura in East Java. Head of the country’s COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery Task Force, Airlangga Hartarto, also added that the government plans to increase the number of quarantine facilities, particularly in hub cities such as Jakarta, which has been seeing upward spikes of cases. The government further plans on having the police and the armed forces assist in enforcing the established regulations on COVID-19 prevention among the public. Article here*

Indonesia and China will further deepen their cooperation in developing COVID-19 vaccines and the related medical services to further contain the pandemic. The cooperation is part of a comprehensive Memorandum of Understanding signed between Indonesia’s Minister of Maritime and Investment Affairs Luhut Pandjaitan and Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi in Beijing recently. The cooperation for COVID-19 vaccines will involve various aspects of the supply chain, from research to production and distribution, including a pledge to help Indonesia develop a regional vaccine production hub. Article here*

The government is taking extra steps to contain an outbreak of COVID-19 in the cities of Kudus in Central Java and Bangkalan on Madura Island in East Java. Both cities are seeing significant upward spikes in COVID-19 cases of between eight to nine-fold in each city within the last 11 days. Kudus is a popular destination for local pilgrimage, while Madura is home to a large concentration of migrant workers. Article here*

The EU and the German KfW Development Bank signed a Memorandum of Understanding for an additional grant of 10 million Euro (around Rp 174.1 billion) to increase the research capacity of two hospital universities in South Sulawesi and East Java for COVID-19 and any potential pandemics in the future in Jakarta on June 3, 2021. The signing was witnessed by Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi, as well as High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the EU, Josep Borell. The two high-ranking officials also discussed other avenues for cooperation between Indonesia and the EU. Article here*

The Indonesian manufacturing sector broke its own record again in terms of expansion with a score of 55.3 in the London-based IHS-Markit Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI) as of May 2021, surpassing other ASEAN countries. Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said the expansion is due to an increased rate in demand, output and purchases that is rising at a rate not seen for the past 10 years in the survey’s history, adding that that the increased expansion could also be seen in Indonesia’s rising employment rate. Article here*

Another 8 million bulk vaccines from China-based pharmaceutical company SinoVac arrived in Indonesia on May 31, further increasing the total number of vaccines to have arrived in Indonesia to 91.9 million dosages of both bulk and ready-to-use vaccines. Currently, the Indonesian government is in the third and final phase of its vaccination program, which aims to inoculate the rest of the unvaccinated population until 2022. Article here*

An additional 8 million bulk vaccines of SinoVac arrived in Indonesia on Tuesday, May 25, 2021. It is the 13th shipment of the vaccines from the China-based biopharmaceutical company, which increases the total number of vaccines to have arrived in the country to 83.9 million dosages. Article here*

Indonesia’s Central Bank Indonesia (BI) pledges to maintain its low interest rate policy in 2021. BI Governor Perry Warjiyo said this policy was taken due to the country’s low inflation rate and that it is necessary in order to boost economic growth and to stabilize the rupiah. Currently, the BI benchmark rate stands at an all-time low of 3.5%. Article here*

Government spending grew by 15.9% (yoy) or up to Rp 723 trillion (US$50.4 billion) as of the end of April 2020. Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani said the dramatic increase was due to the more aggressive effort by the government to counter the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes a 552% increase in investment financing for national strategic projects. Article here*

The unemployment rate declined to 6.26% as of February 2021 from 7.07% in August 2020, indicating that the impact of COVID-19 to the economy is also declining, Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs and Chair of the National COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery Task Force, Airlangga Hartarto said. Furthermore, as much as Rp 183.98 trillion or 26.3% of the budget for the National Economic Recovery program, has been spent to revive the economy. Article here*

The Gotong Royong vaccination program started on Wednesday, May 18, at the Jababeka Industrial Estate in Cikarang, Bekasi. The program, which is a government-supervised program funded mainly by the private sector, aims to inoculate employees of participating companies in order to achieve national economic recovery. For the first phase, as many as 420,000 dosages of the vaccines have been prepared. Article here*

Additionally, as many as 22,736 companies have registered for the Gotong Royong vaccination  program under the coordination of the Indonesian Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Article here*

US-based finance services giant Morgan Stanley has revised downward Indonesia’s economic growth forecast for 2021 to 4.5% year-on-year from 6.2% previously. This revision is based on Indonesia’s historical quarterly growth as well as the country’s growth in its first quarter, in which Indonesia was still in recession with a contraction of 0.74% year-on-year. The firm also revised downward its forecast for all other ASEAN countries to an average of 5.4% y-o-y. Article here*

As much as Rp 172.35 trillion (roughly US$12.03 billion) of the government’s National Economic Recovery fund have been spent as of May 11, 2021, Chief of the Indonesian COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery Task Force Airlangga Hartarto said. The funds went to various programs that cover the health, business and social sectors. Article here*

The price of each vaccine under the country’s Gotong-Royong scheme, in which the private sector is allowed to buy their own supply of COVID-19 vaccines under government-supervised protocol in order to inoculate their workforce, is set at Rp 500,000 (roughly US$35.42) per dosage, Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said on Monday, May 10, 2021. He added that the vaccination scheme is expected to start running at the end of May. Article here*

The Indonesian government announced that it will extend the country’s partial lockdown policy called PPKM Mikro for another two weeks from the next official end of the last partial lockdown period to May 31. The early announcement is made in anticipation of the post-holiday season period when domestic travelling is expected to be at its annual peak. Article here*

Another 1.3 million dosages of COVID-19 vaccines from UK-based pharmaceutical AstraZeneca arrived in Indonesia on Saturday morning, May 8, 2021. The vaccines arrived as part of Indonesia’s participation in the global vaccine alliance COVAX-GAVI. It is the third batch to arrive from the scheme, further increasing the total number of vaccines to have arrived in the country to over 75 million dosages of ready-to-use and bulk vaccines, Article here*

The government will increase the credit ceiling for public business loans known KUR or Kredit Usaha Rakyat to up to Rp 100 million (nearly US$7,000) from the initial Rp 50 million, further extending government subsidy from the KUR program to 3% for 6 months from July to December 2021. The decision is made to support the National Economic Recovery (PEN) program in countering the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Article here*

Indonesia’s economy is still in a recession as of the first quarter of 2021, with a contraction of 0.74% (yoy), the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency announced. The biggest contributor to the contraction was the transportation and warehousing sector with a 13.12% drop in production activity compared to the same period last year. In quarterly terms, the contraction was 0.96%. Article here*

The Indonesian government has received an additional 982,400 dosages of COVID-19 vaccines from China-based pharmaceutical Sinopharm for use in the “Gotong-Royong Vaccination” Program, COVID-19 Task Force spokesperson Wiku Adisasmito said in a press conference. The program is done under the coordination of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (KADIN) and PT Bio Farma. Expatriates living in Indonesia with a valid KITAS/KITAP are eligible for vaccination under the scheme. An additional five million vaccines from China-based biopharmaceutical CanSino Biologics is also currently being considered for the program. Article here*

The Indonesian manufacturing sector reached another all-time high in terms of its expansion, reaching a score of 54.6 in the London-based IHS-Markit Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI). Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita welcomed the news, saying that the continued expansion of the manufacturing sector would create a multiplier effect that would hasten Indonesia’s economic recovery following the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Article

Indonesia’s inflation stood at 0.13% in April 2021, a slight rise from the inflation rate of 0.8% in March 2021. The personal care and other services sector contributed the highest increase at 0.29%, followed by household maintenance (0.26%) and restaurant services (0.21%). This puts the country’s inflation rate at 0.58% for the first quarter of 2021 (or 1.42% year-on-year). Announcement here*

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin said Indonesia has confirmed cases of COVID-19 mutations found in India and South Africa. These COVID-19 virus variants are deemed to be more infectious than the original strain. The Indonesian government is urging all Indonesians to maintain vigilance and to continue practicing social distancing and other COVID-19 related safety measures. Article here*

As much as Rp 155.6 trillion (US$10.78 billion) of the national economic recovery budget have been spent as of April 30, 2021, Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs and Head of Indonesia’s COVID-19 Handling and Economic Recovery Task Force (KC-PEN) Airlangga Hartarto said in a press conference on Tuesday, May 4, 2021. That is about 22.3% of the total budget earmarked for the country’s COVID-19 handling and economic relief efforts. Article here*

In that same press conference, Mr. Hartarto announced that the Health Ministry would issue a decree regarding the price of the Gotong-Royong Vaccine – a scheme in which private companies can buy their own vaccines to inoculate their employees as a separate program from the government’s national vaccination program. Article here*

The Indonesian government has again extended its policy of restricting public activities in the micro scale, otherwise known as PPKM-Mikro, to May 17, 2021. Enforcement will further be concentrated in 10 provinces with the highest rate of active cases, namely the Riau Islands, Riau, Bengkulu, Lampung, Bangka Belitung, West Kalimantan, West Sumatra, Jambi, West Java, and West Nusa Tenggara. Article here*

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